Lucy's Idea

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~Natsu's POV~

"Wait, so your saying that you said you like him! Oh my God what were you thinking"

I looked down on the ground with a blush on my face, I was called to the guidece coucellors office and Lucy wanted to know why.

"Yeah he could Of had hurt you even more since you said that" Zeref said , shaking his head while looking at me. Me, Lucy and Zeref are in the car. Lucy is coming to my house to watch anime.

"Well, the thing is he said he likes me back when I said it"



"I don't believe you, he has been bullying you for years, then he said he likes you, bullshit!" Lucy screamed.

"There is the myth that your bully could have feelings for you" Zeref stated makin me and Lucy look at him.

"What Did he exactly say?" Lucy said leaning over he seat.

Blushing and running it over in my head, "well I said something like all this time I've like you and he said Natsu I-. I like y-"

"Then why is he still with Juvia?"

"I still don't belive this" Zeref said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh he sooooo likes you, the way he looked at you this morning. GRATSU"


"Thats your ship name Gray+Natsu= Gratsu"

"Your staring to sound like Mira" I groaned.

"So what'r you gonna do" Lucy said with a sparkle in her eye. "What do you mean?"

"You can use his crush to your advantage!"


"What I'm saying is, get revenge on what he has done to you over the years"

~Gray's POV~

I walked out of the school gates and looked all around the parking lot to try to look for Lyon but the bastard wasn't here.

"Grayyyyy" someone said in a song song voice, turning around and already knowing who the person is, I came face to face with my soon to be ex girlfriend Juvia.

"You didn't tell me about why you got called go Ms Erzas office"

I 'Tched' and looked at her in disbelive." Tch you know why, you were the one who called Erza, stop acting so clueless,she told me"I growled.

Juvia then touched my arm and pouted "babe, don't be mad at me , I was looking out for you"

"Maybe I don't want to be looked out for, I want to be left Alone.!"

Juvia then took her hands off of me and put them on her hips. "What are you saying by you want to be left alone?, are you saying you want to break up?"
Frowning I looked her straight in the eyes. "Thats exactly what I'm saying"

Juvias eyes stared to water but a solid frown stayed on her face. "Your breaking up with me because I was being a good girlfriend? Because I was concerned when I walk into the bathroom to see you beat up? is that why your breaking up with me?"

Balling my hands into fists I looked at he Blunette."No, I'm breaking up with you because I'm gay, there I said it, I'm as gay as the day is nigh." I shouted. Juvia stood back in disbelive and put her hand over her mouth, a single tear running down her face.

"I don't belive you"

"Really? My search history can tell you otherwise!"

Juvias eyes widened and put her hands over her chest. And everything was silent for a few minutes, the sky started to darken and the clouds above us gave us rain.

"I-I believe you. GAH!!! why didn't you tell me Gray, you've been so unhappy and this is why."

"I didn't want to break your heart"

"It is broken, but I'm even more sad to think that I was the one making you this way Gray" she started tugging on her hair and crying hard.

Panicking I ran towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Thats why you didn't want to kiss me most of the time. Or have sex with me. I get it now"

"I'm sorry Juvia"

We stayed there for a couple of moments just embracing each other until she looked up at me with hope filled eyes. "Can we still be friends Gray, I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have you in my life"

"Of course. It would be weird if I didn't have you either." The second I said that I heard a honk to see my brother and Meredy in his car.

Looking down at Juvia one more time I placed a gentil kiss on Juvia's cheek and wiped away her tears. "Thank you Juvia"

She gave me a soft smile and I smiled back. Already feeling a gigantic weight lifted off my back.

I opened the door to my brothers car and hopped in the back seat and Meredy was in the front with Lyon.

As we drove off I waved goodbye to Juvia. "So, I see you two were all lovey dovey"

"No, in fact, we just broke up"

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