Chapter 5

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Divination was one of those classes everyone was dreading. At first you think:

Oh, this should be fun!

But when you get there its the most uninteresting, boring and ridiculous class ever. Not to mention, it feels like it goes on forever. It was a joke. That's exactly what Harry, Ron and Robyn thought. But it was too late to change it now, so they all sat on little pouffes, trying not to make faces at the thick, overpowering smell of the classroom.

People would still often give looks of disbelief and distaste to the trio and Robyn but who wouldn't stare? The none existing, outcast hanging around with the famous trio that is known by everyone in the Wizarding world. It just didn't make sense but then again, opposites do attract.

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess...the Sight." Professor Trelawney said, over dramatically.

Professor Trelawney was a teacher who wasn't very put together. She was a mess, and not a hot one at that. She was a skinny lady with mad, frizzy hair sticking in any direction possible. She had huge round glasses that made her eye's look a lot bigger than they actually were. She was clumsy and partly crazy. A bit like Robyn (the clumsy part) in a way but no way was Robyn going to admit that. The similarities scared Robyn sometimes.

"...Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye." Trelawney's voice came out soft and dreamy. It was slow and soothing yet annoying.

"What rubbish." Hermione muttered under her breath, making Harry, Ron and Robyn jump. Robyn had let out a squeal, knocking over her cup in fright. Robyn's heart was pounding but before the cup could smash, Robyn grabbed it, putting it back onto the table shyly, feeling all eye's on her.

"Miss Thompson, dear. Are you alright?" Professor Trelawney asked as Harry giggled to himself.

"F-fine...Just saw a-urm...Fly?"

Robyn's cover up had come out more pathetic then intentioned. People laughed around her but she didn't care. She was use to it.

"You can shut up." Robyn hit Harry's arm lightly, trying to stay serious but with Hermione, Ron and Harry grinning, she couldn't keep a straight face and ended up grinning aswell. Each day they got closer to eachother and Robyn was loving it.

"Where'd you come from anyway?" Ron asked, clearly confused to Hermione's sudden appearance. So were Harry and Robyn.

"Me? I've been here all along." Hermione spoke but Robyn could of sworn she wasn't. She didn't see her when she walked in and Hermione was always early for her classes.

Professor Trelawney suddenly spoke again, turning to Neville. "You, boy! Is your grandmother well?"

Neville's face turned pale.

"I... I think so." Neville stuttered, giving Trelawney wary looks.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Trelawney gasped, giving Neville a look of sorrow before continuing like nothing happened. Robyn didn't know what to think of the Professor yet.

"The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally... the crystal ball." The Professor eyed Parvati as she said this. "By the way, dear, beware a red-haired man."

Parvati slowly inched away from Ron and Robyn snorted from trying to contain her laughter.

"You alright?" Hermione asked Robyn also slightly amused by Parvati's actions.

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