Chapter 7: Kidnapped!

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Blind folded, tied up, and unable to speak or yell, Elina felt as if she had been in movement for more than two days. She had no way of knowing if it was day or night other than by feeling the tingling sensations the sun made in her skin. Though she had fallen asleep a couple of times, she didn't use this to decipher the time. That would be a waste of precious energy. All that happened in the previous days had been extremely emotionally draining. She had cried so much that her tears had eventually stopped falling on their own accord.

At first she had struggled against her captors, she held on to that like she would to a talisman. She knew that if she gave up, then she would lose what little sanity she had left. And what was awful to think was that she was certain that the worst or at least the biggest shock was yet to come. She wasn't getting out of this one alive; no that was definitely true.

What could these people want with her anyway? Yes she was what would be called beautiful, but all that went down the drain once she felt like crap, or at least that was what she thought. Sure she had enemies; however that was teenaged gang stuff, not the kind of operation that was kidnapping her now. It could be a ransom, and at that Elina wished it was for that meant that her father wasn't dead on their front yard. Maybe he was bruised and in a lot of pain, but not dead.

And what's more, where were Mr. Stalker and his friend taking her? Initially she had been shoved into a car, were hours later she had fallen asleep. Then she had woken up by movement under her, and it was then that she became aware of that she was being carried up some stairs, the wind hauling painfully. After that, countless hours had passed, and she had even had food shoved into her mouth by a rather ungentle hand. Subsequent to that, she had been carried once again to a car, but this time whoever was carrying her was going down some stairs, and it had gotten really cold all of a sudden.

It was unbelievably cold really, and the car she was in didn't have the heater all the way up. She was freezing to death, and she was worrying to death wondering if her father was also feeling cold. Though she held to the hope that someone had found him and taking him to the hospital, Elina couldn't help but feel sad. She was being kept against her will from the love ones she had left. Tommy was gone, her mother was gone, and now she would never see her father or her friend Lucy ever again.

This was not supposed to be this way! She should be mourning Tommy's death, not fearing what was to come of her kidnapping situation, right?

Elina sat, groggily between two men, or that was what she could tell without her eyesight. Her head would occasionally nod, not with exhaustion, but more with soreness. With what she could make out with time, she had been two days without moving her arms or legs. Her neck hurt like hell, not to mention that she was not looking forward to when she would be forced to move her sleeping be-hind.

To Elina's left, a phone went off in one of those cheesy Nokia ringtones that appeared in every movie, and with the sound, the woman's heart picked up. She was oblivious to the fact of who it was, or what might be said between the speakers; nevertheless the sound brought her a sense of normality that she had thought she lost hours ago. It made her feel like there was hope for her left. Even if she was going to die.

The one who answered the cell phone spoke in a language that Elina barely registered that she had heard before. She didn't understand jackshit of it, but there was no doubt in her mind that the speakers were talking about her.


Being pulled out of a car once again, Elina stumbled on her paralyzed legs, as she was forced to stand by one of her captors. Pain shot up from her foot to her hip since she hadn't lower body in a while. The blind fold covering her eyes had started to give her a raging ache in her head some hours before and it was making her feel nauseous. The cold was more potent now that she was in what she thought must be an open space. Her attention was taken away to the sky, as she heard the familiar sounds a flock of birds makes when they fly around together. Elina sighed, she felt like crying, but the waterworks weren't unleashed. There were no tears left for anything that may happen to her now. She felt oh so tired.

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