Chapter 12: The day before

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Bam was just the first of many celebrities Elina now didn't want to meet. Unfortunate for her, all those people were eager to meet the lucky girl who caught Ville Valo's heart. The lucky, soon-to-be bride.

Elina bumped her head against the window for the fifth time as she stared out, feeling like she was inside a cage. The view from the window showed her just how many celebrities had arrived for the wedding, the remnants of the party that remained in the backyard were clear proof. All night, she had been the center of attention, when a big party was thrown to celebrate Ville's plunge into the insane world of matrimony. She had shaken over fifty hands and had received about a hundred hugs. Half of those from Ville, who would snuggle, and put his arms around her body, even more when somebody said they looked good together. It was one hell of a night. People dance, laughed, yelled and drank to their hearts content, enjoying the cold Finnish night.

It was actual Hell for Elina. She had been force to attend the house party by Ville, of course. 'You are the guest of honor', he had said as he deposited the clothes he wanted her to wear for the occasion, on her hands. Manna, like always had dressed her, since she was the only one Elina didn't struggle against much, and Mr. Stalker had pulled her out of her room and into Ville's waiting arms, with a smirk clearly set to annoy the hell out of the young woman. All night she felt uncomfortable. She had tried to radiate as much hate, and anger as she could so to frighten everybody from her, but Ville noticed it immediately; telling her that if she didn't lighten up and treated 'their' guest like a gracious hostess, then he would pull her away to teach her a thing or two about his anatomy. To say the least, Elina didn't want that. So she forced her stubborn spirit to sit back, and let her sense of self-preservation take lead. With a very real looking smile, she greeted those who sought to know her.

Being a gracious hostess wasn't as bad as she would have liked. Aside from meeting new people and having to walk around drunks, she did enjoy herself. She wasn't allowed to drink, but the rest of the things she was offered were good. The food was outstanding, the jokes genuine, and the atmosphere just felt good.

She didn't enjoy however, how Ville never let her fucking side. Many times when they were walking around, Elina would spot Manna or Mr. Stalker. She desperately wanted to go talk to any of them, since she had got to know them, but Ville's hand or his arm around her shoulders prevented it. There was always someone else he wanted her to meet, and Ville wasn't afraid to pull her around to do his will. She met all the musicians, performers, and artists she had wanted to meet all her life. And it had been horrible for her to figure that they all where into The Rockstar Ritual she had heard so much about in the Mansion.

Again, Elina banged her forehead with the glass window, pretty sure she must have already a bruise on her forehead.

"If you want to break the glass, you should do it harder, because you're not getting anywhere like that." Ville commented with a laughing voice, followed by a melody he played on his guitar. She found the tune familiar, but the turmoil in her head kept her from identifying which HIM song it was. Once more, she bumped her head on the glass.

Elina closed her eyes trying to keep the mental image that came to her head when she thought of where Ville was. To her despair, the image crept into her mind and she banged her head on the window to try to forget that Ville was there, on her bed, not wearing a shirt. The woman took a deep breath, wondering what had she done wrong that day. Normally, Ville would pop in and out of her day. There were times when he only bothered her for a minute, as there were other were it was a couple of hours. That day however, he hadn't left her side for a second, and it was past noon. He had followed Elina to her room after breakfast, and he had given no indication of ever going away to do his business. Ville actually looked like he was content where he was, playing his guitar, entering his little world, and occasionally exiting it to talk to Elina.

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