Chapter 11: A Jackass

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It seemed like a normal doctor's office.

The walls were covered in a pastel-like color that resembled a cream-ish vomit, the air was as cold as Lucifer's soul, and the atmosphere was suspended in a dead silence. The only sound, other than the scream Elina kept in her head, was the swish of the doctor's pen. It was going at incredible speeds, scribing personal information that only he would be able to read.

"Tell me again what this test is for, Doc." The woman said eyeing the room with contempt as a man on his early forties busied himself with putting the samples he had just gotten from her in a safe place.

"Just a standard, every once in a while test to diagnose any sort of illness or needs your body might have." Doctor Aleksi Saarijärvi or Doc as Elina was calling him to amuse herself by quoting Back to the Future, was a good man. Or so she was telling. She ignored the fact that he was the personal and house doctor of the serial killer Rockstars of Finland, because he actually seemed like a swell guy. He cracked jokes easily, he didn't have a pervy look, his accent wasn't so thick, and he kind of reminded her of her father with his warm smile, and gentle hands.

She sat on a chair next to the Doc's desk, her elbow resting on top of it as she placed her head on her hand. Her eyelids occasionally gave away her boredom. She looked to the door, where Mr. Stalker tried to give doctor and patient privacy without leaving the room.

There was no possible privacy with him there. His every presence annoyed the woman.

Every time she looked at him, she would feel anger, boiling impossibly hot. Mr. Stalker was always there; looking at her, invading the room with his tense bodyguard duty in a house full of people that couldn't care less about her. Then she remembered it was all Ville's idea, and the anger would pass from the stalker to the singer. He had given Mr. Stalker random instructions, the kind clearly meant to keep her guessing and not grow accustomed to routine. Sometimes Mr. Stalker met her early in the morning, and didn't leave her out of sights until she turn in for the day. Others, she wouldn't see the man for certain hours. More times, he just appeared to walk her to Ville. Those were the times that pissed her off the most.

She didn't yet understand why he had to be around her. Manna had only said that it was so Ville could keep tabs on her, but as big as the Mansion was, there was really no need for that. Elina knew Mr. Stalker was assigned to her to keep her from causing trouble.

In other words, he was Elina's personal party pooper.

"The blood and urine test I understand," She began. "And I have gotten them done many times, but I didn't get the last one. Why did those last samples had to be taken from my vigina?"

Mr. Stalker coughed, being caught off guard by her sudden use of the word. Elina smiled and glanced toward him, glaring hard enough for him to look at her. She waited until their eyes met unwaveringly to say the word again, earning an annoyed look from him. The doctor was smiling at her when she turned back to him.

"We are forced by the government to do all sorts of test." Doctor Aleksi replied, in what seemed like a very well learned speech. "They don't want any major infection to spread in the Mansion. We monitor everyone's health as closely as possible to detect or prevent any serious disease that might inflict any of the people here. They fear that if it were to happen, the treatment would bring too much attention to our dark work." Elina didn't like how easily he included himself in the 'dark work', and she wondered if he took a more define part of the RockStar Ritual. "What's more, you'll soon be Mrs. Valo, and there are standard tests needed for the marriage license." Elina had the thought that what he said was a bunch of bullshit. He was hiding something from her with all that talking.

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