.:: three ::.

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.:: three ::.
.:: Dedicated To All Readers ::.

Sometimes I wonder why things happen the way that they do.

In all honesty I really wish I knew.

It's been about a week since she rejected me and I was pissed.


The girl I've been practically fan-girling over for the past year, rejected me.

All because she says she doesn't date.


"Dude I don't think you should do it. I mean she didn't even wanna talk to you in homeroom-"

"That doesn't matter, I have to do this. If I wait any longer I think I'm going to lose my chances.."

I made my way through the empty halls and paused once I reached her locker.

It was the middle of fifth period. The halls were deserted except for me and Valts.

"Dude your Arsiney Gold there's no way she's gonna say no," Valt encouraged before stopping beside me.

"Hopefully your right about that.."

I really don't wanna mess things up with this girl. Although I'd never admit it's out loud, I really really like her.

Opening her locker was easier then Valt initially thought, the surprise being clear on his face. 

"You know her locker combination?" He hissed slightly in astonishment,

"Of course," I shrugged,"it's the same lock she used last year." I set my bag down, quickly putting in the dozen of orchards, then the white roses inside.

"Why not red fl-"

"She things red is to mainstream. She likes white because it's pure but delicate just like her."

I turned to grin at my best friend, proud of how much I know about her but he only shook his head.

"Dude how do you know this? You just talked to her for the first time yesterday. Emphisis on the 'yesterday' part. "

Scowling I shoved at his shoulder before fixing the flowers to make sure they don't get smushed.

"I've seen her press white flowers and keep them in her secret journal. Haven't you seen the composition book with her name in silver sharpie?"

  "No." He smirked crossing his arms,"But clearly you have.

"Shut up," I blanked before punching his arm again.

He only laughed before shaking his head,"Your so whipped."

I chose to ignore his comment placing the magnetic little basket to hold the heart shaped box of chocolates directly in the center of her locker.

Valt snickered from my right and I quickly shoved him again before closing the door.

"Don't even-"

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