.:: thirteen ::.

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.:: Thirteen::.
..:: The Connection ::.

A long navy blue carpet lined the stairs of the large building known as the Naperville City Hall. Many people were in attendance to the bi-annual policemen ball. Men, women, children, and even a little dog, were dressed in their absolute best.

I no longer regret the fight Arsiney put up to make me wear this dress.

  Everyone looked like they were dressed for a Hollywood movie awards.

  "Smile baby," Arinsey whispers while tucking my hand into his right arm. Like he was some type of gentleman.

Pft, as if.

For once though, I do as he says without complaint. I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb more than I already do.

Most of the women no doubt went to the salon. Got their nails done and planned their outfits months in advance.

I just showered and put on a dress Arsiney gave me. The only makeup I had on was a clear cheap gloss. My hair hanging naturally flat with a little wave of its own from the humidity.

My heels weren't even visible but even with them on I was shorter then a lot of the women who were floating around us.

I was definitely not prepared properly for this and had no one but myself to blame.

So putting on a small smile for the ones taking photographs, I walked silently by his side.

The lavish carpet leads upwards towards what appears to be a four story building. My feet already start to ache. Each step making me feel like Rocky Balboa, and I really begin to question not wearing flats once we reach the top.

Heels were made to make a women feel sexy but by the end of the night all they really do is make you wish you never wore them in the first place.

The grand columns of the towns city hall was bathed in the glow of artificial light coming from the chandlers inside. Following Arsiney's lead we turn and wave to the drive who nods his head with a smile before continuing on inside.

This place is huge!

The ballroom ceilings were at least forty or more feet from the ground. Giving way to many chandeliers, an amazing classic piece of white Victorian infrastructure infused with modern technology.

On an elevated marble gray platform a lovely string orchestra played one of Beethoven's symphonies with amazing precision.

Despite the low level hum of voices that personally would have distracted my own playing, they worked together in perfect harmony.

I wondered what the orchestras name was. The way the string instruments seemed to blend together so perfectly.

The violinist and Cleo artist appeared to be in perfect sync. They'd have to work no doubt for months on end to preform in such a way.

"— you haven't been listening to a word I've said have you? That cute little nerd brain of yours just analyzing everything. I'm jealous. Why cant you look at me the way you look at that orchestra?"

"What?" I let go of Arsiney's arm and turned to look at him as I catch his last sentence.

While we haven't— I haven't broached his little crush subject. Not after we agreed to be friends. Arsiney has been fair on his end... sometimes.

Though this was better progress then before.

Rejecting him the first time was harsh. I know that now. It wasn't fair to him even if he is Arisney.

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