.:: ten ::.

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.:: ten ::.
.:: Sabrina Garcia ::.

I can't help the rush of blood the spreads through my cheek as I peek to my left.

Daring azure eyes peek back at me and I quickly look away again.

Arsiney however, continues to stare at me from across the room. My whole body can feel it and I know I'm not the only one who sees this.


Today is Thursday, two days since we've have pressed the restart button.

About three weeks since the first day we've ever talked, but things haven't changed that much.

No- let's rephrase that- Arsiney hasn't changed that much.

He's still as much of a delinquent as before. He still gets into his random fights.

He still gets in trouble for his smart mouth and his little pranks. Arsiney and Valt, still hang out in the back of the school with the rest of the trouble makers.

If there's one thing that has changed though, it's our relationship.

While we still haven't talked about my parents. He's been really nice to me.

I couldn't count on my hands the amount of times he's offered to carry my books or buy me lunch.

A part of me knows its because of his misplaced feelings for me so I often don't accept his request. The other part feels guilty knowing that he's trying his best to be nice.

Yet he still hasn't made anything clear as to what he knows about my parents.

How does he supposedly know what's going on? What exactly is he hiding from me?

Honestly I'm just about ready to just smack him upside the head until I draw blood.

Sorry, that was a little too violent but that's just one of the Gold affects, I suppose.

Still. What is he waiting for?

Glancing up again I jump slightly started when I see his eyes and duck down.

Heavens, why is he looking at me like that?

Once again we were in Mr.Halton's third period physics class but today is quiz day.

Glancing down at my own sheet, I shrug mentally knowing that the answers ate right but one word on this could knock me down a percent.

Standing up, I decide to turn it in as is. The short walk up the isle gives me the time to check the clock.

Mhm five more minutes and we're free.

I hand in my paper to Mr. H and smile softly despite the permanent scowl that resides on his face.

Honestly, the man was a living Oscar the grouch. Just without the green surrounding his body.

Turning around, I keep my gaze low as not to distract anyone else- but also to prevent Mr. Grouch- I mean Mr. H, from believing that I was trying to help someone else.

It takes only give steps for me to feel someone pinch my thigh.

I step to the side, as much as the isle would allow and look over to Arsiney to stands beside me.

Arsiney, biting on his already red lower lip, winked at me as he slipped pass.

I, of course, ignored him-or more like rushed to get away from him- and continued to mind my own business.

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