.:: nine ::.

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.:: nine ::.
.:: Subway ::.

"Goodbye, Ms. G."

"Good night, Sabrina."

I waved at the beautiful auburn haired women as she walked inside the hospital from the passenger seat.


Turning around as the car began to move I glanced over to see Arsiney's head inches away from mine.

Surveying his lean frame- I notice the way he drives. It's the 'cool,' way, the one hand stirring the other doing whatever's way.

Slouched in his seat, legs stretched out, just a little bending at the knees. Fingers drumming at the top of the steering wheel while his elbow rest against the leather arm rest slash storage space between the seats while his hand gripped the gear shift.

Black timberland boots, (of course painted at the tongue with his name rather then the label) grey sweats, and matching rain coat.

He looked better in five minutes than I could in 2 hours.

Frowning softly at how easy boys have it when it comes to clothes, I meet his faze only to be shocked at the amusement in his eyes.

He quirked his eyebrow, clearly mollified by my obvious check out and raised his right hand to poke my nose.

I jump at the small contact earning a laugh from him before he turns his head back to pay attention to the road.


Shaking my head I run a hand threw my damp hair and sigh.



Rubbing my eyes, I feel the exhaustion sink in as the rain drops slowed down to trickles against the window pain.

  "You tired?" He questioned his voice almost like a lullaby.

I didn't want to be tried nor did I want to fall asleep in this car. While we established that we should be friends trust still needed to be earned.

I was comfortable at his house- in his room because I wasn't really thinking about my surroundings. Just that I need to apologize and do what Valt said.

Fix what I had broken.

Now that I've done that- maybe even polished whatever it is that me an Arsiney have- what do I do now?

Biting my lower lip, I sit up and look at the road ahead with my hands squished between my lap.

"Yeah..I think I'll just head home and get some sleep. Do homework before school."

I bit the pad of my thumb as my eyes looked around me. In the past three weeks I've been more concerned now more than ever about other people.

It was troubling how easy the transition seemed to be too.

I mean lets be honest I tried avoiding these guys like the plague -which of course failed horrifically- and a part of me...

The Bad Boys ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now