.:: tweleve ::.

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.:: twelve ::.
.:: The Ball ::.

The soft sound of the breeze flowed through the night air. Not long after did the sweet sound of the chimes hanging from the front porch.

Just above that porch sat a large balcony window where a young child sat wide awake staring up at the bright sky from her telescope.

"One day, I'm gonna catch a star Mama and I'll name it after you." A women with long auburn hair, dressed in a delicate silk robe sat pensively for a moment before a small smile crept across her face.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" She mused taking a sip from her glass.

The child pulled away from the telescope with such abruptness it nearly knocked the poor thing over.

With a giggle, the chubby little cherub threw her arms up in the air.

"A magical wish!"

As if it was the perfect answer, the child spun back around once again forcing her left eye into the tiny viewing space of the telescope.

"Sweetie, you can't just wish for a star to fall. What about all the other stars? Don't you think they'll miss their little friend?" The elder women questioned as she  stood up.

The little girl frowned for a moment before turning to face the women.

"Oh I don't know maybe... but it would be for you mama,"

Shaking her head, with a grace the child imagined of a princess the elder women placed her glass on the small toy trunk at the end of the teal and peach bedding.

  "As much as I would love to have a star if there is one thing I want more is to never change what is already perfect." She reasons while gently taking up the child's chin in her hand.

"Stars are meant to stay in the sky just as you are meant to be in bed," She teases before taking the young girl's hand.

Pouting, the little one removed her space helmet from her head and placed it on the large book shelf near the window.

The shelf itself was an interesting mix of Dr. Seuss books, science magazines, Lilo and Stitch bears and plants ranging in shapes and sizes.

The perfect display to represent the active little mind.

"Yes ma'am," The child sighed and reluctantly made her way over to the bed using the three steps to reach the elevated platform.  The elder women bit back a laugh and walked over towards the balcony window. Securing the doors with a child lock.

Afterward, with the help of the elder women, the little one slipped on to the bed. The child curling into a tiny ball and pulling the covers completely over their head.

"Oh don't be sad now, I am sure you'll find something else that just as great to give me for my birthday." The women leaned forward to press a soft kiss to the child's forehead.

With a small smile the little one rolled over to watch as the her mother walked over to turn off the lights.

"I'll get you the best birthday present I promise! I'll do anything to get it," Laughing in a heartfelt display the female began to close the door.

"If you say so love, right now I need you to go to sleep. You have big day tomorrow."

"Okay, Goodnight Momma," The little one replied just as the door closed.

For a moment it was all pitch black but as the seconds past the room lights up once more.

Glowing shapes in the form of the stars and planets sat up on the ceiling providing the perfect night light for the little explorer as she went off to the land of dreams.

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