Untitled Part 23

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 "You're telling us all this?....is because my....Shango dumped her". I ask incredulously.

"In a nutshell...yes. She wanted you as.."

"As revenge...as payment for her pain". I say. Because suddenly I see it. I remember the dream I had our first night at the goodluck motel. I tell it to them quickly and as soon as I finish,

I start to feel.

I feel Oshun's pride and joy about being a mother.

I feel her anger at Oya when she arrives uninvited to her child's blessing, Her fear when she learns why she is there,

Her desperation when she feels she will loose her...me,

Her pain when I am taken out of her arms...it is all consuming.

It feels like a fist is lodged in my heart squeezing tight and it won't let go. I feel her fall when she lets her rage take over...the power that surges through her...through me...it is blinding...I feel as if I am falling...weightless...groundless.....there is no pause...fire ripping through me, my skin shredding...it is too much...I can not contain it...I need it out....out....help..helphelphelp....help meeeee......

"What's happening? What's happening to her". I hear Abi yelling from far away. Everything is dark. I can't see and I feel heavy. "Sheni help her. What happened?"

I swallow and my throat burns. I shake my head to clear it and notice I can't. Its in a vice of some sort. I blink and my eyes open. Life moves lazily back into focus.

There are four faces peering anxiously down at me. Sheni and Abi looking the most worried, Kemi looks confused and Chief Nnamdi looks...well curious. I wonder why they are all staring at me and then wonder why I am obviously lying down. I try to move and Sheni shakes his head at me and touches my face. It's just a light touch, his hands cupping my cheeks. But I react like its an electric shock. I jerk away and only then do I realise my head has been resting on his lap. I am mortified. I can still feel the heat of his thighs and I feel slightly dizzy. I sit up and touch my head. I am not sure why I am disorientated but I know I need to put distance between us to think clearly.

"What happened? Why am I on the floor?". I refuse to mention lying on his lap. My face heats up and I try to hide it. Too late Kemi sees and I notice her eyes narrow at me. I pretend I don't see her.

"Don't you remember?". Abi asks me gently. When I shake my head in the negative she continues "You were telling us why Oya wants to hurt you and you suddenly went into a....."

"A what? I went into a what?". I ask fearfully. She isn't meeting my eyes. Chief Nnamdi as well, even Kemi who a second ago looked like she wanted to punch me is also avoiding my eyes. I think this is really serious.

"A trance Tanny....it looked like you were in a trance then you suddenly looked like you were having-"Abi stammers.

"A spastic fit. Which isn't surprising since you are a spas". Kemi cuts her off with her usual malice. Great to see she's recovered from any foreign bouts of empathy.

"Kemi..."Sheni says in a warning tone.

"What? It's true..she looked freaky". She replies unapologetically. Horror of horrors Chief Nanmdi is nodding in agreement. I think I really have reached a new low when even our resident tree thief thinks I'm a freak.

"Tanny I think you were having a vision...or at least a memory of a vision you've had already". Sheni tells me.

"A vision?.....You mean my dream. The one I had....that was true?". I'm waiting for him to tell me it isn't even though I know he won't. He won't tell me something just because I hope for it.

Itanife: The Book Of Ifa (Orisha Chronicles) #NaNo2015WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now