The Prince - Part 21

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He stands before the great doors leading to his mother's chambers and stops for a moment. In that instant he clears his mind of all thought and emotions. Meetings with his mother always left him uncomfortable. She watched him always as if seeking something from him he felt he could never provide her. Her moods were erratic and he never knew what he would encounter.

Glancing briefly at her Kikiyoan guards standing at attendance, he resists the impulse to shudder. These Kikiyaon appear different from those outside the processing office. The former could not contain their excitement with the abundance of souls that had surrounded them. These project a more calm and controlled aura. He senses nothing from them which is why they are so dangerous to all. They are silent killers. Sucking the soul from a being and then leaving them to die.

He has always felt that it would be more merciful for them to kill outright their poor victims. Although he has no soul himself, he could find sympathy with those who had lost theirs. For they turned lifeless when their souls were taken completely away from them, lethargic creatures waiting to die. When it was done gradually over a period of time, which was their usual strategy with humans, it caused them to become monsters in their world. Every strip of the soul allowed them to commit more atrocities comfortably without the bother of a conscience.

He has never understood his mother's need to have them around. And he has never questioned their acceptance in the underworld where they are feared by all. But now, with all that was going on, he knew it was imperative he discuss their continual stay.

This meeting with his mother he knew would be an important one. It seemed today was the day that he would start involving himself fully with how his home world was maintained. He was sure his mother would not be pleased. But he hoped she would appreciate the gesture and be accepting of his queries.

Ignoring the Kikiyaons he flicks the doors open with his mind and strode into the room. It is a warm room with a huge fire roaring in the heath. The room is shaped in a perfect square with book filled shelves which tower from the floor to the ceiling. It is a three story room with balconies wrapped around each floor to allow one to walk with ease and browse. There are two sets of spiral stairs at two opposite corners to allow movement to the various floors. Huge brown, green and purple leather sofas are dotted around in corners for comfort while reading. It is in essence a big warm library contrary to what most would expect from Oya. In the middle of the marble floor is a massive wooden table that sits thirty easily.

There sits his mother now with her sister Ayao, Bisi a water nymph who was sometimes hired to do unsavoury jobs for his mother and the members of his mother's council; Ewa his mother's most trusted lieutenant, whose job is to watch and protect human graves and facilitate the smooth journey of the dead to the afterlife. She is also a fierce warrior never seen without her horsetail whip and silver sword. She stares at him blandly, her expression a direction contrast to her girly pink and burgundy dress. Next to her sit the three As. They are called this for they are always together and it is easier than using their names. They are vampires but very different to how the humans imagined vampires to be.

There was Ifeoma an Adze, a beautiful blood sucking, shape shifting witch that could transform herself into a firefly. This allowed her to sneak into her victims homes through closed doors and windows at night. When inside, she would transform back into her humanoid form and suck her victim dry.

Okon tall and gangly, is an Asiman sorcerer who could travel as a ball of light, able to possess humans and animals alike and suck dry the family and friends of his victims. He is a powerful malevolent spirit with a special taste for human children.

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