Inferior ~ TheMoonIsAllWellSee

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I came across another book called "Inferior". It doesn't specify a genre (yet) but the title was enough for me to want to take a quick peak. Straight away I was thrown into a wild and dramatic scene which  I found extremely exciting and was craving for more. Also the idea of opening with a poem really grabbed my attention. Guys, if you like action packed drama with a (what appeared to be) futuristic twist. Then I have a feeling that you are going to love this book.

This is the description for the story:

*For years we were mistreated by our government. For years, we waited until we had the nerve to speak out. We, however, waited too long. The Workers are stronger, that much is apparent. They call us criminals, liars, or mentally deficient. They declare us Inferior. So much effort is put into our demise, yet so little into Sanctuara itself. It's as if they believe that putting us into these insane tests will cleanse the city and make them forget the Revolt. They'll never forget their mistreatment. We, however, are already fading memories. That's why I'm doing this. I'm not even sure if the Workers will leave it. I know I'll die in here. You will, too. But maybe someone will find a way out of this place. They just need your help, like you need mine. Someone will get out of testing because of us. I'm the first one with this book, but I pray that I'm not the last. -Taryn*

So being the inquisitive person I am, I of course had to ask the author a few questions. These were her replies:

What inspired you to write this book?

I can't pinpoint exactly what got me to the idea for Inferior. I was just throwing around ideas for my writing, and it stuck. Still, books like The Uglies and 1984 were major in fueling the story.

What made you interested in this genre?

Well, I was first introduced to dystopian stories a few years ago in school, and since then they've been my addiction. My first dystopian book that I read was 1984. I instantly fell in love with the concept of dystopian societies. There's something to interesting about them to me, I'm not quite sure what.

What are some author's or stories that you feel are an inspiration to you?

My favorite author is Scott Westerfeld, who wrote The Uglies series. The Uglies and other books by Westerfeld were what really started the ideas for Inferior, though I have to give almost every dystopian story I've ever read some credit.

Do you plan on writing an encore to this book?

No, I promised myself that I would let dead dogs lie. Once it's over, it's over.

Why do you think reader's are interested in this genre of writing?

I think that much like me, people just have this fascination with broken down societies. It's almost like a prediction of the future and what could be. If you take things too far, this could happen.

Who is someone (other than you) that you would recommend for a great reading experience?

On Wattpad? Definitely Help-Me-Think-of-One. She wrote the first Wattpad story that I've ever read, and it was fantastic.She writes the kind of books that almost everyone can enjoy.

So there it is. If you love action packed books as much as I do then this book by "TheMoonIsAllWellSee" is a must read. Seriously you guys should check it out.

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Thank you for your time and suppot dear readers.

~ Ninjawolf96

The Era Of Undiscovery ~ July 2013Where stories live. Discover now