Chapter Twenty: Drama Queen

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**A/N** Just a short humor chapter between Lilah and Jared (:

Chapter Twenty: Drama Queen

*Lilah's POV*

"CALL BACKS?!" I yell in frustration, throwing myself onto my bed in my dorm room. "Jared?! Call backs?!"

After the list of girls invited to call backs were announced, everyone was dismissed from the theater and told to get a good sleep. We would have to "be ready to work it" by tomorrow morning. Jared and I said goodbye to the boys who decided to part ways with us for the day and I dragged him back to my dorm room. I watched Lena walk away with a couple of girls who also made it into call backs. They were heading out to get something to eat for celebration. I politely denied their invitation.

"Look, Lilah, think of it this way," Jared plops down beside me and crosses his long legs. "Competitiion. You and I both know you love competition!"

"But Jared, this is my big break! The time for me to fall in love with one of the boys. To have one of them fall in love with me! You're delaying the process! You're filling their heads with potential girls who could get the part that belongs to me!"

"No, the only thing I'm doing is making sure you get to show them what you're really capable of," Jared says.

"By showing them what others are capable of as well!" I yell frustrated. "Jared, did you not see the way they reacted to Lena? She was brilliant! And she isn't even an actress." I still can't figure that part out. Was Thomas actually training her?

"I saw the way they reacted, yes, but you didn't see how they reacted to you," Jared reaches over and takes my hand in his. "Li, they were amazed. It was beautiful." Jared's blue eyes mist over with remembering how I performed on stage. It makes my stomach ache with thoughts of how the boys must have viewed me.

"They were amazed?"

"Every. Single. One."

"Any comments?"

Jared smiles at me, knowing he has me wrapped around his little finger. "Did you hear the way Liam jumped in to say your name? I was the one holding your paper but he yelled it out before I could get a chance."

My heart practically stops in my chest. "Liam?! Liam Payne!?" I take my hands out of Jared's and clutch at my chest. "Liam. Payne."

Jared nods his head. "Yes, yes. Liam Payne. Jeeze, you would think that you would get used to them by now," he mutters unbelievably, but I'm still in shock.

"Liam Payne."

"Delilah," Jared warns.

"Liam. Motherfucking Payne."

"I swear to god, if you-"

"LIAM JAMES MOTHERFUCKING PAYNE!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, my inner fangirl no longer able to be contained. Who gets this kind of treatment?! NO ONE!

Jared sighs. "Too late," he mutters to himself.

I stop screaming and look him straight in the eyes. "I have to tweet about this." I realize my fans must be wondering what's happening in the world of Lilah and One Direction.

However, as soon as I have my phone out, Jared snatches it out of my hand.


"You can't tweet about this," Jared says, holding my phone behind his back.

"And why not?" I try to reach behind him for my phone but he blocks me. I groan and put my hands on my knees. "Come on, Jare, just one itsy bitsy tweet!"

Jared crosses his arms and gives me his little disapproving tisk tisk noise. "Lilah, the boys follow your twitter. They read your tweets. You can't post anything psychotic anymore." Jared hands me back my phone and shrugs with a small smile on his face. "Your fangirl days are over."

I gasp and clutch dramatically at my chest. I gape at Jared. "Over?! Over?! There is no such thing as fangirl days being over!" The mere thought of it is just ridiculous.

"Li, you're gonna have to face the music soon. Anyways, shouldn't you be preparing for the call backs?" Jared asks, bringing the entire issue on call backs back up.

I glare at him. "Oh right, call backs," I say in my most deadly tone.

Jared holds his hands up in front of me. "Now Lilah, think rationally about this! It's a good thing. It really is. You and I both know that. It's- LILAH!" Jared squeals.

I grab my pillow and smack it down on his head before shoving him off the bed. "That, is for ruining everything." I lean over and throw the pillow onto his stunned face. "And that, is for being my annoying best friend."

Jared coughs and tosses the pillow back into the bed. "Excuse me, it is annoying GAY best friend."

I giggle and roll my eyes. "Same difference."

Jared chuckles from the floor and gets back up. He runs a hand through his blond hair, making sure it's back in its neat form. "Look Drama Queen, just because I suggested to do call backs, doesn't mean that you have any less of a chance. Think of it this way, you can show them everything you've got! You can really exploit your talents! This is a good thing!"

I groan and bury myself in my covers. I hate to admit it, but Jared is right.

"Come on grumpy," Jared pokes my sides gently, "you and I both know I'm right."

I roll over onto my side and bring my pillow underneath me, holding it to my chest. "You owe me food," I mumble. It's my classic way of saying Jared won without actually saying he won.

Jared beams me a bright smile and pats me on the head. "Come on, lets go get Miss Drama Queen some food." Jared gets out off my bed and holds his hand out for me.

I give him my best glare and take his hand. "I'm not a drama queen," I say, dragging my feet out the door behind him.

Jared just laughs and shakes his blonde head at me, giving me his perfect smile. "Oh honey, you're The Drama Queen."

"Shut up." Is my only response.


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Lilah is my inner fangirl. Oh how I wish I had her life. XD

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