Chapter Twenty-One: Tag

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**A/N** A really cute and playful chapter (:

Chapter Twenty-One: Tag

*Lilah's POV*

"Welcome ladies, to hell." Louis stands on the stage with the rest of One Direction, Jared, and Thomas flanked at his sides. He gestures out at us, the ten girls invited back seated in the audience.

"I'm not awake enough for this," I mutter to Lena on my right. I may be mad at her for doing this, but she was still one of my best friends. I can't stay mad at her forever.

"I shouldn't have drank last night," she mumbles back as Louis goes through some basic announcements.

I turn in shock towards Lena. "Drinking? My favorite nerd was drinking?" Lena was always one to decline Jared and my offers to go out and get a drink.

Lena gives me a small smile. "Shut up, Lilah. It was a couple of shots-"

"Shots?!" I retort. Even I'm not that big of a fan of shots.

"A couple of the girls suggest I calm my nerves." Lena shrugs.

I frown. "And are you calm?"

"Yeah, but I feel like shit," Lena mutters, sinking into her seat. "Shh, Louis is looking," she whispers.

I look back up at the stage. Louis is staring directly at me and I slightly gasp. It's still really strange for me to have One Direction at such a close proximity.

"Now, we will please ask for you all to make your way onto the stage and split yourselves into two groups of five," Jared says and the boys leave the stage. The girls and I leave our stuff on our chairs and make our way onto the stage.

"Find your groups," Louis yells over the sudden girl chatter. I stand back and observe the girls.

Lena stays by my side and I know she will be with my group. Immediately, Dani makes her way over to us. "Mind if I join?" She asks.

"Of course not," I smile at her. Dani has always been one of my favorite actresses. She's calm and completely dedicated to the arts.

"Mel, want to be part of our group?" I ask the passing brunette.

She turns on her heel and glares at Lena. "As if," she sneers and walks away. I watch as she joins Anna and a couple other girls that I can't stand.

"Let's call that team," I point towards the skimpy dressed girls, "Team Bitch." I chuckle under my breath at my own joke. I can't help it. I hate snobby girls.

After a couple more minutes of sorting, my team consists of Lena, Dani, Arianne, Julia, and myself. I'm pretty happy with the result since I've worked with everyone in this theater already. Everyone except Lena that is.

"Okay, now that we're sorted," all of the girls quiet down as Harry starts talking. "We're going to have you all run around the theater for fifteen minutes as a warm-up." There are multiple groans throughout the room, myself included. I'm seriously exhausted.

"This is Hell Week. We only want the best. Get going!" Jared yells, his sass ringing out around us all. Lena and I give each other mutual looks of "kill me" and start jogging off the stage into the audience. Might as well get this over with.

I'm focusing on the back of Lena's head as I jog when another person comes up to me. I look over at Thomas.

"Thomas?" What is he doing? Surely the boys aren't running. I glance over to their seats. Nope, they're all laughing at something. "What are you doing?" I ask Thomas.

He shrugs, matching his jog with mine. "You know me. I'm an athlete. Sitting in a chair doesn't appeal to me at all. Besides, I'm here to cheer you on," Thomas smirks at me. He must notice how my breathing has changed. I'm worn out and it hasn't even been five minutes.

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