Chapter 19

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Authors Note:

In this chapter there's a little bit of a scene.

I'm absolutely horrible at writing those so I'm sorry in advance.

Here you go.

~ Lust~

His hands found their way to my lower hips and stayed there.

“You know, it’s a little messed up when you kiss someone and then run away from them.” He joked.

I smirked.

“But I’m willing to forget about that if you kiss me again but this time you stay right here with me.”

I nodded.

He kissed me again and this time it was even better than it was the last time if that’s possible.

The kiss got heated pretty quickly.

Niall pushed me up against a tree.

I didn’t want it to stop.

He felt really good.

But then his phone rang loudly and we tore apart from each other.

He answered his phone.

“Hello?” He asked breathlessly.

I sat there against the tree we had just been snogging against.

“No, I’m at the park with her. She’s fine and so am I thanks for asking.” Niall said.

“Leave me alone, Liam. No Lou! I didn’t bring any condoms! No, my weewee’s not hard! Gawd ew just shut up Lou!” With that he hung up the phone and had the funniest look of disgust on his face.

“Do I want to know what he just said?” I wondered.

“Nope, you don’t.” Niall said awkwardly.

“What time is it?” I asked.


“Shit, I have to go.” I said.

Niall stopped me before I could leave. “But we were doing stuff.” Niall winked.

I thought about what we had been doing before the phone call.

“Fine, just let me use your phone then.”

My hands fumbled into Niall’s back pocket and pull out his phone.

I dialed Ryan’s number and listened to it ring.

“Hello?” A sleepy Dylan answered the phone.

“Hey sweetie, can you give the phone to your daddy?” I asked Dylan.

“Sure, Phoebe.” The little boy said. I head some quick footsteps and then a toss or something.

“Hey, Phoeb.” I heard Ryan’s voice through the line.

“Hey, Ryan. Would it be okay with you if I spent the night with a couple of friends?” I asked a little hesitantly.

“I don’t care just don’t stay up too late and you have to be back tomorrow by 11 am. Remember you got a doctor’s appointment.” Ryan said.

I rolled my eyes when he said doctor’s appointment.

“Fine... Good night Ryan. Give Dylan a big hug for me.” I sang into the phone.

“Yeah, yeah. Have fun, Phoebe.” Ryan said.


I hung up the phone and slid Niall’s phone back into his butt-pocket.

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