At The Crossroads :) (Second Book of In The Right Direction)

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Chapter One


It was Thanksgiving; three months since everything had happened. Liam and Sophie were visiting with me at my mom and stepdad’s house in New Jersey, while the others were with their families and boys.

“Good morning beautiful.” Liam whispered sleepily next to me. We lay next to each other in my bed from High School; the One Direction posters were still on my walls and it’d been embarrassing. Liam’s face from 2010 hung above my closet.

“Morning,” I replied smiling, kissing his cheek.

I rolled over and checked my phone.

There was one new text from Lexi.

“Happy Turkey Day, I hope you have fun honey.”

Since that night she blew up on me, she had definitely been trying to make things better between us. I had too, but it wasn’t working out very well.

She wasn’t bothering to keep her hate for Sophie a secret.

“Still no apology?” Liam asked quietly looking over my shoulder.

“Nope. But why would she say sorry? She never does when she thinks she’s right about something.”

He gently grabbed my waist and rolled me over so I was facing him, just inches away from his lips.

“Well, for today just try to forget everything and be thankful.” He mumbled, smiling and pulling me into him for a long kiss.

We didn’t let go of each other or stop kissing, but then words that I hadn’t thought of in weeks popped into my mind.

His voice, echoing through my mind. So, you’re Liam’s brown haired slut.

Immediately I let go of Liam and pulled away; getting out of bed and walking to the other side of the room.

I didn’t want to remember anything from those two weeks. I couldn’t help but feeling that sentence was accurate about me, though. Liam and I went all the way; did that make me his slut?

“Hey,” Liam whispered, following me. “What’s wrong?”

His eyes held a look of pure love and concern, which made me not want to bother him with this. I didn’t want to mention it, and he didn’t want to remember what Damien had done, especially since that monster was still on the loose somewhere.

“Nothing... Um, it’s just Thanksgiving and my family needs help cooking the turkey and everything.” I put a small smile on my face, but I couldn’t bear to look into his eyes.

“Seriously babe, what’s wrong? You can tell me.” He took my hands and I was about to tell him, but that’s when Sophie bursted into the room.

“Happy Thanksgiving guys!” She said, her usual cheery and perky tone in her high voice. I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Oh my gosh I’m sorry! Do you guys need a minute?” Her clear blue eyes were sparkling and full of life; nothing like her brother’s.

“Actually yes. I’m sorry Sophie, we’ll be out in a minute.” Liam’s reply was smooth and she immediately gave me a thumbs up and backed out of the room.

“Now talk.” He said comfortingly, looking deep into my eyes.

“I’m just... did I ever tell you what he said to me while I was trapped in the subway?”

His face went red with anger; his hands getting a little sweaty against mine. He knew exactly who I was talking about.

“No, what?” He asked; his reply was a little too calm.

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