At The Crossroads Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



There was a simmering tension between the two of us; it only grew stronger the moment she led me into the bathroom. Her brown eyes were fiery and angry; annoyed even. I was one hundred percent sure my gaze didn’t show the same hatred or betrayal. That made me think for a moment; had I really betrayed her? Did she really feel that way?

If anyone should have felt betrayed or hurt; that should have been me. Best friends with... the enemy, or a relation to him. Didn’t she understand how that affected me; her being friends with a girl whose brother I’d always want revenge for? The memories came flashing back; the subway tunnel, the burning, searing pain in my abdomen. The last time I’d seen Brittany for real, the last time we’d actually talked had been three months ago, fighting in that hotel.

It seemed our next fight would be here, early in the morning, standing in an airport bathroom. For a moment we stared at one another; I tried to keep my gaze from scrutinizing her, judging her even. Both of us knew we had to talk; it’d been too long since we’d gotten along.

“Britt, I’m sorry. You know how I feel though; I can’t just pretend to like her. It’s impossible.” There was a grim set to her eyes; this is what she’d expected.

“Well you know Lex, I’ve tried to understand how you feel, I really have. The problem is, can’t you see Sophie’s different? She’s the complete opposite of Damien; I wish you’d stop being so damn stubborn and accept that!” The tone in her voice was rising in a way I didn’t like; she’d never spoken with that much... condescend? She wasn’t speaking to me like an equal; there was a degree of power in her voice: she felt I was lower than her. She spoke to me as if I were a child. Nearly two years separated us, but we both knew we had the same level of maturity; in my book, we were equals, plain and simple.

Brittany had apparently changed her mind.

“Can you just--- can’t you see she isn’t? I can see it Britt! I can see it in those eyes! I... I know those eyes, and you do too!” The words burst out of my mouth; I couldn’t get the harshness out of my tone, nor the frantic sort of rasp in my voice. It made me sound pained, scary, and frankly crazy.

Exactly what I didn’t want.

“What other proof do you have Lexi, huh? She is nothing like him; other than the hair and eyes. Resemblance doesn’t define someone!” She had a point, but I had proof, partially.

Sophie hadn’t kept everything inside; I’d seen those small moments.

“Brittany, she’s playing games with you. She has you wrapped around her fingers, playing with your mind so you won’t believe me. You have to believe me, okay? I don’t want her coming with us. She’s hiding something.” There’d been more I’d wanted to say, but Brittany surprised me with her next words.

“Sure Lexi, just keep freaking thinking that. God dammit, what turned you into such a paranoid bitch?” That struck me harshly, and she knew it. That word... he’d called me that. She knew what that word meant to me; she was using it against me. The silence was chilling as I glared at her, contemplating my response.

Skyler chose that moment to walk out of the stall; I hadn’t seen her come in, but she sent me an apologetic look as she washed her hands, leaving us in a matter of seconds.

There was a knot in my stomach, and my throat was thick. I had nothing to say to her; no comebacks. Brittany had brought her A-game, and she’d beaten me; gone too far.

Without another word, I walked out, glaring at her all the while, trying not to show the hurt in my eyes.


Harry saw that distant gaze as we waited for the flight; he put his arm around my shoulders and quietly played with his phone, every so often glancing up at my face. There wasn’t much I did right there, in the hour or so before the flight came. It wasn’t very comfortable sitting in the terminal chairs, but I was warm in my thick black sweat pants and large t-shirt I’d gotten at an Ed Sheeran concert.

At some point, I was pretty sure Nicky started playing with my hair, tying it into random knots, half braiding it; twisting it around in his boredom. Ally was giggling at Niall and Josh, who were as usual, being complete idiots.

They’d taken advantage of their last morning in America, buying out probably half of the McDonald’s food supply.

That brought up some attention across the airport; the Directioners found us. There were around twenty or so; fifty if you counted the parents with them. Paul kept us from the thickest of the wave; we posed for a few pictures, Harry keeping a steady hand around my waist.

The next we knew, the flight was here and we were seated, ready for the fourteen hours it would take to get to London.

At some point I went to the bathroom, set on getting slightly presentable for my first few hours in London; surely there’d be fans at the airport, and Harry had said something about his mother... hopefully Anne would like me. However, maybe it’d be better to not meet her so soon.

Taking my purse with me, I moved past Harry and the others; Harry was knocked out cold as usual, and I wasn’t sure whether he had clothes on under the thick blanket. Not that I really cared right then; as long as he saved the surprise for me.

The bathroom was standard for planes; small mirror, sink, and toilet. I decided to brush my teeth and figure out something for my hair first; it was still partially wet from the quick shower I’d taken at 5am.


That’s when Sophie crashed my party.

“What the heck?” I protested as she walked into the door, lock forgotten; privacy thrown aside. She rolled her eyes at me.


“Lexi, don’t seem so fucking surprised. I needed to talk to you alone, and here you are, alone. Let’s talk.” My eyes went wide; this wasn’t what I’d expected. This meant that... I wasn’t actually crazy, was I? She was... she could be... I suppressed myself from trying to strangle her. Sophie wasn’t who Britt thought, just as I’d assumed. Those words... she’d sounded just like her brother.

“What do you want?” That made her laugh.

He always laughed at everything; it sounded chilling in her high pitched tones, insane.

“You seriously don’t know? I want revenge; he wants revenge too. You just wait Alexis; I know so much about you it’s not even funny. He told you about me, right? Last year... wow, I was so freaking innocent. I loved One Direction, I really did. The haters though... they hurt me. A month I was in the hospital. Now, it’s your turn.” With that, she walked out, leaving me speechless, incoherently trying to form some kind of response.

He was still out there, and now he had an accomplice; one who could fool everyone.

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