At The Crossroads Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


“No words get spoken to our boyfriends about tonight, got it?” I looked everyone in the eye. At least everyone who wasn’t blindfolded. “Just kidding. We’ll probably be too wasted to remember anything in the morning.”

“What are we doing that’s so bad that we’re gonna be hammered?” Sky asked, turning her head in the direction where she thought I was sitting.

“Oh, nothing baby,” Lex cooed, placing her hand on Sky’s cheek. “Just some fun, nothing big.”

Skyler huffed, crossing her arms. “You guys know I don’t like fucking surprises,” She mumbled.

“Well suck it up,” Mikayla giggled, her face lighting up.

We shared a couple laughs when Sky pouted, leaning back. “You all suck.” She reached for her blindfold.

“No!” We all screamed; Brittany even hit her.

“Well fine, but give me a hint of what we’re doing.”

I chuckled, leaning over to pat her on the knee. “You wouldn’t be able to do this if you were married.”

Her face was puzzled; sorting out thing things she could or couldn’t do while married. “Wait is-”

“I’m saying no more,” I giggled; I was enjoying this too much.

“Well, I’m pretty excited,” Emily grinned, flailing her limbs. “You guys have no idea.”

I glanced at Lexi. She kept looking out the window, as if she thought someone was following us.

“Hey, L-”

“Oh my God we’re here!” Britt screeched, clapping her hands as the limo slowly came to a halt.

We all stumbled out onto the street and went into the building, all of us giggling as the host lead us to our table. “Who wants to do the honors?” Looking around, Mikayla’s hand shot up.

“Ready Sky?” She laughed as she slowly took off the blindfold, showing her where we were.

“You guys took me to a strip club?” Came the hushed whisper, her eyes furious. “The paparazzi will have a payday with this!”

“A bachelorette party without a strip club is like a birthday party without cake,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Anyway, we already took care of the whole paparazzi thing. Don’t worry about it,” Lex finished. “Just enjoy watching these sex gods, okay?”

We settled down; and a man came on stage telling us the show will start in fifteen minutes. The whole area was well planned out so everybody, no matter where they sat, would be able to see well. The first level, where we were, had circular metal tables and was closest to the stage. The second was occupied by velvet covered booths lining the walls, with a couple tables.

“This place is actually quite stunning,” Emily commented, also looking around.

The lights went out, and the ladies started screaming and clapping. A single spotlight came on, showing a tanned man in cowboy chaps.

“Hello ladies, and welcome to the DreamBoys.”

At The Crossroads  (Directions Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now