At The Crossroads Chapter 20

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I picked up the knife that was closest to me, gently tapping on my champagne glass. Everyone quieted down, turning to face me. "Alright guys. It's time for some bridal toasts!" I grinned at Lex, silently telling her to get to the little stage Harry had set up.


Lex beamed on the stage, looking at everybody present. "As you all know, I'm Lexi. I'm one of  Skyler’s Maids of Honor...which I want to thank you for babe," She told Skyler. Sky nodded, and Lex continued. "I know these speeches aren't supposed to embarrass the bride...they're supposed to be about how much I love her and how I'm happy for her and Louis. But what's the fun in that?" Lex's smile turned into an evil grin, ready to bash Skyler on everything embarrassing she did in her presence.


I glanced at Skyler, and noticed she was unnaturally pale.


I would be too, if Lexi told me she was about to tell twenty plus people my most embarrassing moments.


"To start off, I'd like to start from this particular day in middle school, when my best friend Skyler had a crush on this certain boy named Elijah Collins." I could heard Brittany laughing, knowing the story Lex was about to share.


"Now Skyler had never had a boyfriend before, so obviously she was pretty nervous. She gave him a chocolate cake with raspberries and vanilla cream frosting. Why do I remember this you ask? I had to bake this cake for her of course, because everything she baked... it didn’t exactly turn out very edible.” There was some muffled laughter and Sky’s face got red.


Lex started walking around the makeshift stage, ready to deliver the final blow. "The best part is when she handed it to him, she tripped and she wound up smashing the cake in the poor kid’s face. Wanna make it worse? Poor boy was allergic to raspberries." She was laughing now, almost on the verge of tears. Skylers face was in her hands; I wasn't completely sure if she was laughing or crying.


I think everybody was laughing along with Lex, and I couldn't help but join in at that point. Poor Skyler.


Once Lexi recovered from her laughing fit, she continued. "Alright, alright, uh," She coughed, still trying to suppress her laughter. "I want to give you a story of when we were trying to be badasses, and Skyler totally fucked it all up."


“Well quit laughing and get to the story!” Josh yelled, earning a couple laughs.


Lex instantly got a straight face and pointed her finger at him. “Devine, if I were you, I’d shut your trap. I know where you sleep.”


Louis laughed, “Josh, I’d keep quiet now.”


“Okay, so,” Lex clapped her hands, quieting everybody down again. “This is when me and Sky were in high school. In order to be cool like, you had to be badass. So me and Sky decided to go for a joyride.” She started to laugh again, and this time she couldn’t stop.


Harry stepped on stage, wrapping his arms around her. “My girlfriend has problems. So while she goes and collects herself, I’ll make my little speech.” He pushed Lex off stage, and I could hear her laughing as she made her way upstairs.

At The Crossroads  (Directions Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now