At The Crossroads Chapter 3

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Chapter 4


I’d never realized how much I would miss sleeping in my own bed again.  As soon as I got home I walked in my room, looking at the old pictures with a smile on my face. Louis came in with all the bags and dropped them and came over, putting his arms around me. Leaning into his warm, muscular body, he whispered in my ear.

“These are the memories I want you to remember forever; not the ones that happened in New York.”

“Me too babe, me too” I whispered back.

After a moment of silence, Lou finally said opening the bags, “I’m gonna start unpacking, okay?”

“I’ll help you.” I replied bending over picking up his superman shirt and I stared at it. The flashbacks came back to me like a 15 foot wave. The flashback was me, Lexi and Nick was sitting in the room talking about his note and we were crying. Throwing the shirt on the ground, tears came to my eyes.

Louis noticed what happened and asked “You okay?" He looked worried.

Before I could say anything my brother walked in, my mood changed as fast as light. "Rob!!" I screamed before jumping on him. It was the first time he has seen me since the summer, before I got taken. I dug my chin into his shoulder as he started to cry, I did too. Yeah, he was 30, blonde hair, blue eyes, about six foot two inches but I will always jump on him when he visits. "I thought we lost you." He said in between sobs.

As he put me down my sister in law Mary, came in with my 2 year old niece Isabella.

"Auntie Skylur!" She screamed, running to me and hugging my legs. I bent down and picked her up, spinning her around. "I love you baby." I whispered, crying and looking her, running my fingers through her curly blonde hair. She did have Rob's blue eyes and Mary's hair and nose. As I kissed her on her cheek she said "I wove you too."

I gave Mary a hug and she started to cry; she had a tight grip.

After the moment, Rob finally met Louis and he was talking about how much I had a crush on him and all that really awkward stuff. We all went downstairs and the rest of my family was there. My little cousins Brooke and Brandon were the first ones to tackle me to the ground. Brooke was 10 and Brandon was 16 and he loved to play american football and he was definitely a good tackler.

Brooke was my little angel; I’m close to her and she’s the little sister I never had. I laughed and had him in a necklock, ever year at Thanksgiving we would wrestle and me or Rob would always win. That’s when my Aunt Gloria and Grandma Lana came in and said at the same time "Stop! Someone always gets hurt!" We stopped and I went over by Louis. My grandma continued, saying “if anyone was going to get hurt it will be Skyler”; she mumbled something about my.... incident.

The memories of that flashed back for a moment; the burning pain in my abdomen... luckily, that’s when dinner began.

“So when’s the wedding, exactly? You haven’t told any details!” Deanna asked, my first cousin.

Louis gave me a heartfelt look and a nudge, I looked at him and smiled.

“Christmas Eve, Louis’s Birthday,” Was my mumbled explanation; we hadn’t wanted to wait until the new year.

“Isn’t that early?” Rob interjected. “For Mary and I, we had it planned out more than a year before! You two have a month left... what do you have planned?” The blush went up my cheeks; honestly my marriage to Louis Tomlinson had been planned for more than two years... before we’ even met.

“Should I go into detail now?” Rob nodded at me; the women at the table were leaning over their heaping plates of Thanksgiving dinner, eager to discuss the subject, especially my Mom.

“Go ahead lovebug; Lex and you are the planners.” Giving him a sideways glare, I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Basics; I didn’t have to explain everything, right?

“The colors are pink and black, and our venue is at The Bingham, you know, in London. That’s on the invitations though; we’ve got the flight costs covered. Harry is the best man, and then the groomsmen are Liam, Zayn, Niall,Josh, Nick, and Rob. The maids of honor are Mikayla and Lexi; I couldn’t choose. Then I’ve got Brittany, Ally, Marie, Mary--”What about me?”

Turning my head, that’s when I saw my best childhood friend, Emily Phillips.

“Oh my gosh Emmy! You’re here! Of course, you totally interrupted my list!” Her and I were smiling a million watt smiles; she hugged me and I buried my face in her wavy blonde hair.

“Is this Louis? Louis Tomlinson? I just wow it’s nice to meet you Boobear, I... I mean uh Lou...” Emily looked flabbergasted; Lou started laughing and extended his hand to her.

“Boobear? That’s Sky’s prince charming,” Isabella’s tiny voice rang across the room and made me blush.

“Actually, I’m her Superman,” Louis replied smoothly, giving my waist a possessive squeeze.

He always saved me.

At The Crossroads  (Directions Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now