At The Crossroads Chaoter 16

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chapter 16


The sharp jab hit my stomach and sunk in deep, nausea settling over me in a haze. 

“I’ve got work,” He mumbled from across the room, somewhere above my head. Rolling over, my heart took a nose dive. He’d slept on the couch in the other room. Again. 

Without me. 

Since the fight in the car it’d been the same routine. Both of us busy, both of us not seeing each other; hiding our anger. He wouldn’t talk to me; not really. A small kiss on the forehead the morning after; a note in his presence. 

When I finally got the strength to get out of bed, the clock read 9:34am. It was Sunday, so I assume the late rising was acceptable, though I had work to do.  

After a quick shower I got dressed quickly and went to the kitchen; a note, nearly identical to his last few, sat on the counter. 

Had work today. Breakfast is on the table; stay safe. xx -Harry 

The dry, raspy feeling stuck to my throat. “Love you too,” I mumbled, my voice cracking. Per usual during the past two days, he’d left me a coffee and a bagel. At least he hasn’t completely stopped thinking of you. 

That was comforting, sure, but I wanted to get the fight over with. We hadn’t really spoken since that night, and I missed the soft murmurs against my ear, quiet words exchanged; the slow way his voice formed words. 

His arms around me, his soft chocolate curls along my neck; I missed that most. 

Ally wouldn’t get here until at least ten, since she was bringing Nick. He’d literally begged the two of us to take him along, having a partial idea of the two parties we had to plan. First off, the bridal shower, and then the bachelorette party. Normally I wouldn’t have let Nick, nor Josh help with this type of planning, but they’d promised to be mature about it. Of course, I didn’t expect that from them; that didn’t mean I couldn’t give them a chance. 

Since I had some time to kill, I decided to make an attempt at curling my hair. It was a pain to do so, since my hair refused to be anything more than wavy. Like I’d said though, I had time to waste. 

Halfway through the time consuming job, my hair was relatively curled in chunky, loose waves that hung down to my waist like a sandy blonde waterfall. Luckily I was only holding the tool in my hand when she grabbed me, or I would have burnt my skin off. 

“Ally!” I screeched, dropping the iron in the process and falling backward into the bathtub. 

“Um oh okay maybe we should wait outside...” Josh stuck his head into the bathroom, his expression uncomfortable; Ally laughed and helped me up. 

“She fell Josh, duh.” She muttered, rolling her eyes. “Why would she shower fully clothed?” 

“Oh Josh, I thought at least you would know the terms of a shower. You and Ally were having a pretty good time in there this morning.” As usual, Nick waltzed in with yet another perverted little piece of information. 

“Um okay let’s go. Now.” Ally sent both of the boys a glare, Josh grinning at her and raising his eyebrows. 

“We’ve got to order everything today guys, for the bridal shower. Please, for the sake of time, can you try to be mature? Please?” That might have been asking too much of them, but then again we didn’t have a lot of time. Sure, the bridal shower was at Louis’s house and we had already invited everyone... that didn’t mean we had the food and design.

“Oh, me? Immature? You’ve gotta be kidding me! I’m mature Lex, don’t you worry.” The sarcasm in Nick’s voice was obvious. Today was going to be... interesting. 

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