At The Crossroads Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


“The one with the red door,” Pointing to my cousin’s three story house, we pulled over to the side of the street, the enormous oak tree creating a snowy canopy over my black Ford Explorer. It looked untouched by the year; Johann had kept her and Mark’s house the same my entire life. Black and brown exterior, red door, shingled roof; the chimney emitting black smoke that surely smelled of a million delicacies. 

“Not your parent’s house, right?” His question made me sigh; this would be the third or fourth time I’d have to explain how large my family actually was. 

“I’ll take you home tonight, to my mom’s house. All of my cousins and other family come here, because Johann has the biggest house.” Harry nodded and turned off the car; grabbing his hand, I tried to convey the  scale of what he was going to walk in to. If there were two must knows about my family? 

One were loud and joking. 

Two was you had to be comfortable, and eat the food. Definitely eat the food, or every woman over forty wouldn’t be pleased. 

“Babe, I’ll be good; I promise.” He could read my mind even more fluently now; a thrill of desire shocked me as his lips touched mine lightly before he walked around the car and opened my door.  

Even before we got to the side door, I heard a familiar voice.  

“Whoa Lex is that you?” Wesley, my older cousin by seven years, came up behind me and grabbed my waist; he had curly hair that mimicked Harry’s and covered my face as he spun me around.  

“Hands off my big sis Wes; I’m the one who gets to mess with her!” There was my younger brother Brandon; sixteen years old with the maturity of a kindergartener. 

“Geez Brandon, getting some muscle? Ouch!” He’d taken me in one of those tight hugs; last time I’d seen him was more than a year ago, and he’d definitely grown. Brandon was taller than me by six inches now at least, all the baby-fat gone from his muscles; he was built like a football player and moved with more confidence. Harry stood rather awkwardly on the driveway as I analyzed my younger brother, taking in our similarities. We shared our sandy blonde hair, slight nose; he was a rougher version of me, the only difference his dark blue eyes. 

“Lex, can you introduce me to the superstar or what?” That was my cousin Kelsey; my senior by five years, shoulder length black hair swept up into a ponytail. She’d snuck up on me, hugging me even harder than my brother; I squeezed back as hard as I could, which had been our silly ritual for at least ten years. 

“His name’s Harry, and he’d better help his girlfriend’s mother with the food,” There was my mother, a few inches taller than me; partially robust with darker hair, basically the carbon copy of almost every older woman in my family. She’d met him a few months ago, and luckily approved of my love. 

Harry laughed and ran forward, helping my mother with her huge pot of mashed potatoes; they were steaming hot and probably more than thirty pounds, but he carried it inside without complaint. 

The side door to the house closed, and Kelsey pounced. 

“He’s cute Lex! Damn, I missed you; you’ve got a lot to tell me at dinner.”  There was a ghost of curiosity in her eyes; I knew the whole ordeal would come up soon. That didn’t mean I’d talk about it. 

“Exactly; he better be treating you right,” Brandon had a joking tone, but I could see the hidden threat in his eyes; dammit. All the men in my family were going to grill Harry, that’s what was going to happen. 

At The Crossroads  (Directions Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now