At The Crossroads Chapter 32

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Chapter 32



The boys seemed to be up to something; I’d felt it was best to leave, and to be honest, I needed to get away. Showing Ally the photo had been the right choice, but that wouldn’t stop Damien. It wouldn’t stop Sophie, and it wouldn’t stop Andrew either.


Somehow, one of them would kill me. That fact was a little grim, but there was no room left for anything but morbid thoughts in my spinning mind. All of this had gone on for too long; maybe it was better to just let it all end? Apparently they wanted me dead; if I was gone, they’d just stop, right? Andrew, Damien, Elise; Sophie.

There would be peace, without me.


The only question I still had? Why. Sure, maybe vengeance or something was a big enough cause for Sophie, pathetic jealousness for me, but why would Damien and Andrew want to kill all of us? It couldn’t be about the fame of the boys, or the fact that we were dating them. It had to be something else, and I was determined to figure that out.


As I was getting into the car, my phone vibrated against my leg. It was a text from Ed.

I talked to him. We’re heading back. We need to talk tonight.


It might have been a mistake, but I’d told Ed a lot about the past few months, as well as my speculations with Harry coming home late that night. Tonight, he’d promised me to talk to Harry about the bruise, and try to be sort of an undercover agent for me. Hopefully it’d gone over well; in the last week I’d tried to talk to him myself but he’d just pushed me away.


That’s why I’d gone to the warehouse again; the fear of what Harry might have done. That had been a mistake; going there. An impulse had brought me there though; the warehouse was a clue to Damien’s inner life. It was a clue to what he was, and it was a clue to the reason he wanted to kill all of us. The guards had let me in too easily, and I should have expected the set up with Andrew.

The guards had escorted me into his office and sat me down; the moment I saw those icy blue eyes, I knew who I was talking to. He’d gone on a little rant, saying how I had to stay out of his business; how Damien was pathetic for not getting rid of me sooner. If she doesn’t finish the job, I will.

The way he’d said it had given me those long forgotten chills. The ones I’d felt in that room; while watching that video.

Just go home and stop thinking about it. Commanding myself seemed to be the only way to go; I’d been sitting in the car for around ten minutes, just idling in the driveway. Sighing, I put the gear into drive and slowly crawled out into the street. The house was ten minutes away. and hopefully Ed and Harry would be there before me.


When I reached the house, that seemed to be untrue. The house was warm and inviting though; I shivered at the change of temperature when I walked into the threshold. There was a note on the kitchen counter, as I’d expected; from Harry.

Went out with Ed. We’re bringing dinner home, love you sweetheart. -Harry xx

From the looks of it, they’d be home soon. It was almost six, and Ed had texted me less than a half hour ago.


“Babe?” Well, I guess they were home sooner than I thought. Throwing my coat and purse onto one of the barstools, I went into the front room to greet them. Harry looked a little troubled, but he smiled at me and gave me a soft kiss on my neck, right under my ear. I giggled and he grabbed me in a tight hug before Ed snickered slightly behind us.

“Shut up Sheeran,” Harry mumbled, nuzzling my hair. Ed would’ve punched him or worse, if he hadn’t been holding the takeout bag.

“What’s in that?” I asked, trying to extract myself from Harry. He laughed and both of them grinned.

“Your favorite.”

They laughed again; I guess my eyes lit up more than they should have.


“Egg rolls, wonton soup, chicken chow mein, sour chicken; yeah, we’ve basically got you covered.” Ed shook the bag teasingly in my face; the exotic smells of chinese hit my nose. The ginger ran past me and into the kitchen before I had time to take the bag all for myself; I could eat a whole bucket of chinese food.

“Come on Ed I’m hungry!” I whined fakely, stomping my foot and crossing my arms. He shook his head and got a few bowls out and utensils. Three spoons, and three forks.

“Liam would hate you right now,” Harry muttered, his shoulders shaking with laughter. Ed snorted and turned toward me.

“Reynolds, the act was pathetic. At least put some effort into it, pipsqueak,” He poked me in the stomach; for the moment I was too buzzed to care, with the prospect of egg rolls and wonton soup. If you’ve never had wonton soup, go out and get yourself some. There is no arguing when wontons are involved.

“She’s my pipsqueak.” Harry mumbled in my ear, laughing breathily.

“Save it for the bedroom,” Ed took out the container of soup, and Harry was forgotten. Both of them laughed when I took the plastic out of his hands and hissed at myself; it was really freaking hot!

“Ow!” I probably screeched louder than Niall during Heart Attack. That obviously sent the men into a bout of laughter; the container slid along the counter and nearly hit the back wall. For a few seconds we all just kind of stared at each other; Ed snorted when I went for the soup again, filling up a bowl, careful of the temperature.

We all piled on the couch with our bowls and takeout boxes, Harry and Ed on either side of me. Halfway through my soup, I caught Ed staring at me, giving me one of his intense looks. Basically, that meant we were going to have to talk soon. Maybe when Harry went to the bathroom, or when he was cleaning up; something like that.

“If you do the dishes, I’ll give you a back massage.” When I was done I whispered the plan in Harry’s ear; he stuck out his tongue.

“Erm, hard bargain, but... sure.” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and got off the couch, heading into the kitchen. Ed got up as well and pulled me toward the small office next to the bathroom. Sighing, I let him pull me and closed the door behind us.


“How bad is it?” I wanted to know everything, quickly, and I wanted the truth. He ran a hand through his orange hair and sighed.

“Lex, there’s nothing. He wouldn’t mention it. Just somethin’ ‘bout a brawl, then he’d change the subject. Maybe he’s not lying, but there is something missing.”

“Well... thanks for trying.” The sinking feeling hit my stomach as I replied and turned away from him.

“Hey, don’t leave,” He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back to face him, eyes concerned.

“Yes?” It sounded a bit condescending, but Ed didn’t take that sort of coldness seriously. He rolled his eyes a moment, and the concerned expression came back.

“How are you?” There were so many questions put into those three simple words.

“I’m fine.”


Most common lie in all history.

The wedding was tomorrow, and he could kill me. She could; any of them could.

Tomorrow might be the last day I’d ever have.

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