Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

              Eris, the goddess of Discord, Strife, and Chaos, was completely and utterly bored out of her mind. With no one to currently torment or manipulate, she was left with so much time in her hands. And time was careless when it came to her distractions. She remembered the times in her early youth when humans were more courageous, barbaric, and self-righteous. They had therefore been more entertaining when she twisted them into doing her bidding without them knowing it.

        Now the humans pretended to be more civilized and caring despite their blood lust. At first, she had found it amusing how they strived to change their nature and become decent in some level, but they always failed. She watched their wars from afar, their meaningless killings. The human blood that poured on the earth from the fallen cried for vengeance, for some sort of retribution against their attackers. She may have enjoyed listening to those cries of despair before, but not anymore. She didn't even have to input a thought in a man's weak mind; he was already twisted enough to cause chaos on his own.

         Oh she could not complain; her powers increased with every act of discord or strife done. But she had all this power at her disposal, and she could not even use it because there was no need for her to intervene.

         On many occasions with her brother Ares they had caused torment and despair wherever they went, leaving blood, chaos, and despair in their wake. In many wars, Ares would man his chariot pulled by powerful horses, and she would ride in that chariot with him, holding onto him as she reveled in the violence that they had created. Those were the glorious days, she reminisced with a sudden heavy heart.         

         Ares had been her beloved. He was a fine example of what a male should look like and act. The god of War had been handsome, magnificent, and ruthless. He had been very skilled with both his swords, she thought with a rueful smile. Always bringing pleasure to her as well as taking his. With him, she had felt truly powerful and complete. She had been completely faithful to him where he had not, much to her anger. But he always returned to her, and he cherished her alone, of that she had been completely certain. He loved her the only way he could, and that had been enough for her.

         How she longed to be at his side once more and wreak havoc. To tilt her face up to his and meet his dazzling smile of approval as he slaughtered his own victims.

         "Your Eminence," One of her slave girls addressed her.

         Eris snapped back to reality and fixed her gaze on the girl, who remained bowed over the ground in reverence. "What?"

          The slave girl lifted her head, not meeting her gaze but staring at Eris' feet as she spoke. "One of your spies requests an audience, Your Eminence."

          She rolled her eyes and waved her hand in dismissal, leaning back on her chaise. "Get out. I don't want any disturbances."


            "Most beautiful goddess, please a word if I may." interrupted Francois, one of her many human spies. He strode carefully before her presence, his demeanor a little confidant. Out of the hundreds of spies she had in the human domain, he was one of a handful she allowed in her presence. The son of a nymph and a human, Francois was a small asset with valuable information that always entertained her.

            "What are you doing?"

            "I bring you news, my divine goddess." he boasted. "News that you have long-"

            "Hurry up before I incinerate you where you stand." Eris threatened casually.

            Francois' smile faltered and he straightened a bit. "A-as I was saying, I bring news of Death."

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