Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The following day Mia awoke from her sleep in better spirits prior to the last few days she had spent in Death's home. She smiled absently as her mind wandered back to the events of the day before.

Death had taken her on a tour throughout the Middle Eastern countries in quick trips. They had visited old relics, towns, restaurants, and beautiful sceneries that would forever be edged in her memories. He had proven to be a quite knowledgeable guide, if not a charismatic one. Frequently he had pointed out things to her and stated important and unknown facts of wherever they visited.

Mia had been weary at first, but as the hours had passed, she had managed to let go of her reservations briefly and enjoy her surroundings. She reasoned that she would probably never set foot there again and that she had always wanted to visit anywhere outside of the United States. When it had come time to head back, Death had finished off the trip with a small surprise.

He had teleported her to a small oasis that had taken her breath away instantly.

"Before this was created by man, a lone tent was centered here." Death told her in a low voice. "A desert woman lived here, in that tent, and it was here were she forged the necklace you wear today. The trinket was to be a gift for her sister, who was to marry a sheik. But it was stolen from her and given to a high priestess of Annubis. The woman died in her attempt to prevent the robbery."

Mia felt her heart tug in pity and remorse for the woman. "She was never mentioned in the museum."

"She was not of great importance in her time to be mentioned in your history." Death looked over at her. Mia met his dark gaze. "But she is significant."

"You deem people as significant?" Mia asked in disbelief. "How so?"

"Her work brought you joy. I was there at the museum when you visited with your father. And I saw your reaction once more at my study. Her work is a means of pleasure for you. That is why she is significant enough to be mentioned."

Mia blushed and turned away to look at nothing in particular.

She snapped out of her thoughts and blew out air through her mouth.

She might have enjoyed yesterday's events, but it didn't change her predicament. She was a prisoner of Death's, and she would remain so until he became fed up. Why he had taken her to the Middle East for her enjoyment was beyond her. He had gained nothing out of it.

After finishing with her toiletries and showering promptly, she left her room and headed to the kitchen in search for food. She was starved, and avoiding food was out of the question now. After pigging out on curry and other delicacies at the restaurants they have visited, she could not go back to depriving herself. Her stomach demanded that she eat.

She entered the kitchen and stopped short when she noticed Lupin pouring freshly squeezed orange juice from a pitcher. He didn't bother to look up at her as he spoke.

"My master will not be in attendance today until later this eve. He has important matters to attend to." he informed her as he set the glass down on the marble top of the island counter. His eyes met hers, and she couldn't help but shiver. "He has informed me that you are allowed to roam the gardens today as long as I escort you through them."

She folded her arms across her chest and shifted her weight on one leg. Her good mood had just about dwindled. "Your master doesn't set my schedule for me."

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