Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

            Mia walked with her arms crossed at a distance away from Lupin as he led her to his "master's" office. Two boring days had passed since her arrival to his home. She had not seen him for those two days, but she was not complaining. If anything, she had hoped that the time away from her would have made him reflect and reconsider the idea of keeping her as a possession. But so far, she wasn't even getting a peep from Nicholas. No not Nicholas, she chided herself.

            Lupin told her nothing in regards to his master. In fact, he rarely spoke to her, at least not with his mouth. But if looks could kill.... Not only did the man have a scary face, but that glare of his almost always gave her a heart attack. She was slowly getting used to him, but she had to admit that she could not stare at him for long. He was simply too scary-looking and he obviously held contempt for her.

            Lupin stopped before a set of double doors, pushing with his hands the large doors wide open. He stepped aside and allowed her to pass, which she did so. Her eyes darted everywhere in the interior of the study, from the drawn heavy curtains to the odd yet lovely furniture. She was surprised, to say the least, that she was in fact in an office room. She had assumed the term 'office' for Death would entail a morgue.

            Her gaze skimmed lazily over the room's contents, noting small details on some things but otherwise not interested until out of the corner of her eye she noted something glinting her way. She drew in a sharp breath as her gaze landed on a very unique piece in the far corner of the office, on the right side of the very large desk. She crossed the room rapidly and stopped right in front of the object, her eyes widening as her hands involuntarily rose to touch.

            She had seen this before, at an art museum when she had last visited Los Angeles a few years back. Patrick, her stepfather, had accompanied her on the trip when she had begged her mother to allow her to visit her grandfather. Patrick, being a history professor, had insisted they stop by the museum on their way to her grandfather's. She had been bored out of her mind until she had reached the Egyptian section, where Patrick went on to give her brief history facts for the articles she would point out or give attention to. When her eyes had fallen on the piece before her now, she had been completely entranced. The artifact was a thick, gold set necklace with a single large onyx stone at the center of its plate. She had stared at the necklace for ages. Patrick and the museum had had insufficient information to provide.

            "It looks just like the original." She said out loud. She hadn't intended to speak, but she was distracted enough to not care.

            "I don't see why it wouldn't." Lupin scoffed from far behind. "It is the original."

            Mia's head whipped around and she made a chocked sound in her throat. Whatever retort she had been prepared to say died the moment her eyes landed on Nicholas, who stood behind Lupin and observed her intently with a knowing smile. Her guard was up immediately.

            "That will be all Lupin." He said in his smooth, baritone voice as he stepped into the room. Lupin jumped, obviously flustered. He quickly bowed his head and reached for the doors and rushed out. Mia marveled at how Lupin, being much broader and a head taller than Death, could be so afraid of him.

            Mia watched him, her body half turned and unmoving as he walked towards her. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his nicely fitted trousers. He wore a button down shirt that had the first three buttons open, and his hair was wet and combed back. Mia blinked away and looked up to meet his gaze.

            He stopped a few feet away from her, his smile still in place.

            She broke the silence and spoke evenly. "Is there a reason why you called me down here?"

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