Chapter 1

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It was always said that at the beginning of time Vampire and Werewolves have always hated each other. The have always blamed each other for their curse. The Vampire were cursed by the sun, and the werewolves were made slaves to the moon. There was never a time in history that they did not hate each other, but what if that wasn't true? What if there was in a moment of time where Wolves and Vampires were not at each others throats? What if there were a moment in time where the two leaders of the different actually loved one another...?

     Ten thousand years ago near the mountains of Red Heaven the kingdom of Demithanor was located this was the domain of the night dwellers, the Vampires. They were called vampires because they survive by consuming human blood because of that they were thought as devils, but it was not so. They were no devils. Just fallen angels. Immortal beings that the gods banished to earth they possess extraordinary strength and mental capabilities.
The people felt intimidated by the beings that they don't know so they ordered a group of witch and wizards to create a creature that could kill off the unknown beings, and so the first werewolf was created. But there was just one problem. They did not realize the strength and ferialness of the werewolf so they underestimate it. That night many vampires were killed as they had wanted, but many tribes and towns were also wiped off the face of earth.

The gods were not amuse by this so they put a curse upon the werewolf and vampires. Over the years the werewolf turned many, their population grew and they now resides in the forest southeast of Demithanor.

And so the two kingdom existing never in harmony, but never in full out war. There were many battles between the two kingdom over the years but they never escalated until the day ten thousand years later when the the Emperor and Empress was killed on the trip to their 100th honeymoon.

The we're brought back to the palace with their bodies ripped to pieces. Their son who was only seven years in human term, and was devastated and his unfaithful uncle was named regent king until the child was of age.

The first order that the regent king give was to go to war with the werewolves. At the time many people were filled with grief, for their fallen King and Queen, many wanted vengeance for them. It was not hard to convince the people to go to war. The few with the sense to oppose were quickly killed and disposed of.

And thus, war rage between the two kingdoms. Many lands that lay between them were wiped out and made berren. The humans fell to the far reaches of the Earth in hopes of staying away from the destruction the war has cause. The only humans that were left were the blood slaves and servants of the vampires.

The war wore on for many years between the Vampires of Demithanor and the Werewolves of Wishfield Forest.

The wind was cold and biting, but the lone white figure that stand still as a statue did not seem to feel the raging storm that roars around him. He wears no cloak or fur, nothing adorn his willowy body but his light night robe. His usually pale skin was as white as the snow that littered the ground, and  his long raven hair whipped wildly in the powerful wind, mixing black strands with white powder.

His crystalline blue eyes were closed against the biting wind and his beautiful face was towards the heavens. He stands so still one would mistake him for the many statue that was littered around the palace.

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