Chapter 13

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Here is Faen Xue's indy on his situation. I also think this is short, but you guys deserves at least something from our lovely prince!_______________________________________

Xue felt eyes on him as he sat amongst his people. They were eyes of a predator. It made the hairs on his skin stick up on its ends. It was like the same danger feeling he received when he was with his uncle, but stronger. This person was dangerous and he know exactly who this person is.

He kept his eyes closed and facing the sky, one was to block out reality, and two was to gage the distance that this entity was advancing from. He can feel the palpable spike in tension that arose from the other vampires. They know that an enemy was walking leisurely among them yet there was nothing that could be done. They had not control of their situation, they had no choice in the matter.

Faen Xue can feel the air around him drop considerably as the level of threat rose. The presence of this person was close, he could hear their footsteps on the cold hard ground. With each step the person gets even closer, to the point that if Fae Xue focus, he could hear the others heart beats.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.

A steady calm rhythm. Mesmerizing in its own way. Luring Faen Xue into a hypnotic sense of peace.

“You raise your face to the heavens like you are expecting a miracle. What god would come to your mercy?”

And just like that the spell was broken. Like shattering glass reality exploded back into his mind. He was now aware of the large body radiating immense amount of heat from behind him. The feeling of danger never disperse, in fact it was thick in the air, nearly suffocating. Yet he kept his eyes close just to spite his captor.

“I need no gods to grant me mercy.” Faen Xue whispered quietly. “For I have never once felt any mercy from anybody and I have survived thus far. Why would I need it now of all time?”

“You’ll never know little bat.” The deep voice said. “You may be begging for it yet.”

“Be that as it may,” Faen Xue spoke back in his soft tone. “I shall only do so when the times come. It has not come yet.”

A deep rumbling growl emit from behind him. The danger level spike drastically, which made Faen Xue take in a shallow breath.

“I would not tempt the enemy if I were you.” The deep voice growled. It was a low menacing growl that resonates through Faen Xue’s whole body. “And look at me when I'm talking to you.”

His hair was grabbed and his head pulled back. Faen Xue hissed in and his eyes shot open to peer emotionlessly at Tugorin’s face. Icy blue eyes met green. They were a beautiful green. How have Faen Xue never noticed this before? Those green iris were flaked with brown and gold that gave it dimension and light. It was a peculiar eye color for vampire generally don’t have any other eye color but blue and black. For a moment he got lost in those eyes, and it was like he was looking into the wolf’s soul. He saw things within those eyes that made his made his body and mind numb, and it dawned on him that these were eye of a killer. A person who have taken lives before were as he has yet to do so.

He gasped and tore his gaze away for in those moments when he realized what those eyes belonged to he saw scenes of blood and gore. Bodies ripped and shredded. Ground slippery with bloody mud, and guts. He can also smell it. Rotting flesh, fire, BLOOD.

Faen Xue ripped himself away and leaned to the side and gasped, trying to get in some clean air. His hunger was rising and he could feel his veins throb for fresh food. For a long moment his mind was muddled, he couldn’t think straight, he couldn’t see or hear anything.

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