Chapter 14

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Sorry that it took so long guys. Trying to graduate highschool is a hard deal, trying to get a scholarship is even harder. No luck so far on the scholarship part, although I applied for over 20. (Sigh) life is hard. This is not much, but I feel guilty for keeping you guys waiting.

"Daddy," Faen Xue whispered in awed. How could this be? His father was gone, he why is he now appearing in front of him, after all these years. "How?"

"My child, where have you been?" His father said as he took a step closer to Faen Xue. Faen Xue was frozen, he didn't know whether he wanted to move away or run towards his father. He really did not get to make his choice because the next thing that he knew he was in his father's arms being held like he once did.

He marveled at this phenomenon, this feeling was so similar to when he was a child. His father had an unnatural warmth that vampires do not have, and he would always snuggle into such warmth as a child. The warmth the smell of the sweet frozen peach blossom that father used to favor. Everything was so similar that Faen Xue did not understand how this was possible.

"Dad" Faen Xue whispered. "How is this possible? Am- am I dead? Is this heaven?"

His father pulled away and gave him a weird look, "Why would you ask such question, child? I can assure you that you are definitely not dead. If you were dead you would not be talking to me right now."

"But- But..."

"Ahsh, this child always messing around with his old parents." His father teased and bumped him on the head with his knuckle. "One would've thought at this age he would have matured by now."

Words cannot describe how confused Faen Xue was right now. He did not understand what his father was talking about. What is this place, and how was it possible, he could've sworn he was being held captive, and that his father was most certainly dead. But here he was, with his father kneeling in front of him, solid and warm and very much real.

For the life of him he can't seem to get his body to move. His mind still could not process what he was seeing and this caused his head to pound sharply. He could only sit on the snowy ground of the forest and watched as his father stood up, tall and majestic as he once did before.

"Come, your mother is waiting for us." His father informed him, holding out a hand to him. "We must not keep her waiting. You know how she can get."

"Daddy," Faen Xue whispered weakly. "I don't think I can move."

His father gave him a worried look and a moment later he was being lifted into strong arms. That was when his world tilted and everything turned dark.

When he woak once again, his eyes were heavy, and he couldn't remember what had happened. The pounding in his head was still there but it was lesser now, and if he focused on something else he wouldn't notice it at all.

There was voices closes to him, and he had a distinct feeling that theses voices sounded familiar. He realized that everything felt familiar to him. He was warm, more so than he had ever been after his parents death. The surface that he was laid on was soft and comfortable, the smell in the air smell distinctly like herbs and incense that used to burn in the halls of the palace.

The sounds in his surroundings grew louder and louder and suddenly he can hear clear voices of his father, and other people.

How was it possible? Was he not somewhere else before all this. For a moment Faen Xue paused and thought back to what happened to him, oddly he felt like something was missing, he couldn't really remember where he was before he ended up here, yet he somehow remember green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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