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daesom left the apartment, walking to her favorite mart, 'familymart', which appears to be only a few blocks away from her place.

there was a jingle, indicating that a new customer had arrived.

jungkook, the mart's cashier guy, also daesom's friend, looked up from the sound only to be greeted by her morning smile.

"hey there, daesom. did you sleep well yesterday?" jungkook asked, smiling brightly at her.

"that was kinda random, but i didn't." she sighed exasperatedly.

"don't you see the dark circles forming around my eyes?" Daesom asked.

jungkook chuckled, "what happened this time?"

"hoseok came home drunk, he reeked of alcohol." daesom said, scrunching her nose at the memory.

"he kept on saying bullshit. he told me that both yoongi and taehyung hates him." daesom explained.

"and why would he say that?" jungkook asked, leaning himself on the island counter, anticipating on what she'd say next.

"i don't know. i remember him saying that they both got new girlfriends and spent too much time on them to even talk to him. he's feeling lonely, he said." daesom shrugged.

"poor guy." jungkook pouted.

daesom chuckled, "i made him some warm hangover soup before coming here, so i'm pretty sure he's gonna be fine."

"wait, he's not awake yet? what time is it now, 10 a.m.?" jungkook said, looking at his watch.

"yeah, that's why i'm here to buy him some tablets so that he won't have a headache and as usual, to take my—"

"banana milk." jungkook cut her off.

daesom grinned, "exactly."

"you go take your drink while i find some tablets for you, yeah?"

daesom nodded, "sure."

she walked to the back of the shop where the milks are usually located, searching for her favorite banana milk.

her eyes wandered around the shelves, her eyes finally catching a glimpse of the milk she had been searching for.

'바나나맛우유'. the label wrote.

she grinned cheekily, showing her deep dimples.

there was only one of them left, and just as she reached out her hand to grab the drink, someone else took it faster than she did.

she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the person beside her. she hadn't noticed him standing there before.

and it seemed like he didn't too as he was busy looking at the banana milk he'd just grabbed, smiling widely.

"excuse me, but i found that milk first." daesom uttered, catching his attention.

"huh?" he looked at her, confused.

"that milk your holding," she paused, pointing to the milk in his hand, "i found that first. i was just about to take it but you stole it away from me."

he raised his eyebrows, "so?"

daesom wanted to scoff at his words so badly but she couldn't because she doesn't want to be called impolite.

"i took it first, so it's mine now." he added.


he rolled his eyes, "stop it. i don't want to waste my time talking to someone i don't even know. please excuse me."

he walked past her, bumping her shoulders with his a little bit too hardly when he did so.

daesom stood there, digesting everything that had just happened.

she scoffed loudly and followed him while he approached jungkook, handling him the milk for him to scan.

"hey, that's mine!" daesom cried, prying the banana milk away from jungkook's hand.

the stranger looked at her, then groaned, "what the hell do you think you're doing right now?"

daesom ignored him and looked at jungkook, "jungkook, i found it first. it belongs to me."

jungkook furrowed his brows, "you can just take another one. why bother stealing it from another person?"

"that's the last one. i took it first." the guy said.

jungkook took the milk back from daesom, "sorry, daesom, but jimin hyung took it first. it's only fair if i give it to him."

daesom raised her brows, "jimin? who's that?"

"me." the guy replied for jungkook.

daesom scoffed, "you both know each other?"

jungkook nodded, handling the milk to jimin after scanning it while jimin paid.

daesom just stood there, watching them do their work.

"thanks, jungkook. i owe you one." jimin said before leaving the mart.

daesom glared at jungkook after jimin was gone while he in return, gave her an apologetic look.

"sorry." he apologized sincerely.

"whatever. just give me the tablets already." she said, and jungkook did as told.

"you don't have to pay for this since you lost your banana milk because of me." jungkook uttered.

daesom sighed. he was just too kind to her. she knew it wasn't his fault but since she wanted to keep her cool, she rolled her eyes instead.

"yeah, whatever. bye, hope you have a nice day." she said, leaving the mart after with the plastic of tablets in her hand.


my first fic! i hope i can have at least 1k reads on this book lmao. i was listening to jungkook's cover of 'lost stars' while writing this so i just decided to use him as the cashier guy haha.

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