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jungkook frowned when he saw daesom and jimin entering the mart together.

daesom looked like she just cried though, with her eyes being all red and puffy.

she - as usual - took her favorite banana milk and paid for it, not glancing at jungkook at all, making him frown more.

"daesom?" jungkook called for her.

daesom looked at anywhere but him, "what?"

"about the incident this mor—" "forget about it." daesom snapped.

jimin on the other hand just watched them, not knowing what to do.

"i'm sorry." jungkook said anyway.

"for what? you did nothing wrong." she muttered, still not looking at him.

"i broke your heart. i didn't knew you felt like that towards me. i'm sorry." jungkook said.

daesom sighed and finally looked at him, "no, don't be. let's just forget that never happened. wait, we're still friends right?" she asked, flashing him a smile for the first time that day.

jungkook smiled back, "Yeah."

"excuse me, but i'm still here. stop it with the drama already." jimin interrupted, rolling his eyes.

"oh, shut up," daesom glared at him before turning back to jungkook, "i'll go now. see you later."

"okay, bye! call me when you reach home." jungkook said, smiling brightly.

daesom nodded and exited the mart with jimin.

"why are you following me around?" daesom asked jimin without looking at him.

"can't i?"

daesom furrowed her eyebrows, drinking her milk, "weirdo."

she then cleared her throat, "hey, about this morning—"

"don't worry. i'll not bring it up, if you're ashamed or something."

daesom shook her head, "it's not that. i just wanted to say thank you. i never expected you to be the one comforting me out of everybody. thank you."

"wow, turning all nice all of a sudden, huh?" jimin scoffed.

daesom slapped him in the arm, "shouldn't you be happy for that?"

jimin groaned, "again with the violence. stop hitting me! please."

"shut up." she muttered, sipping her milk happily.

"how are you gonna move on from him?" jimin asked out of the blue.

daesom sighed, "it's gonna be hard. it might actually take me a long time to completely move on."

jimin nodded as a reply.

"i wonder though, how her girlfriend looks like. she must be a real beauty, that's why he loves her. unlike me, i'm just like any other girl found on the streets. ugly and unwanted." daesom smiled bitterly.

"hey, don't compare yourself to others. you're perfect the way you are. you're not ugly, you're beautiful. and you're not unwanted. do you know how much i want you to be mine but don't know how?" jimin said, not realizing what he'd just blurted out.

daesom choked on her milk and stared at him wide-eyed, "w-what?"

jimin frowned, "what? why are you looking at me like that? did i say something wrong or— shit."


surprise! i bet y'all didn't expected this to happen haha.

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