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daesom rested her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. she'd lost sight of jimin, but she can't blame him though. he's a fast runner.

"yah, jimin! where are you?!" she yelled since there weren't much people on the streets. she only spotted about three or four so far.

she pouted, walking back to jungkook's mart tiredly to buy another banana milk.

"oh, why are you here again?" jungkook asked curiously.

"your friend killed my milk." daesom sulked, taking five new banana milks from the shelf.

"jimin did? tsk, that hyung, really." jungkook shook his head.

"here." daesom said, paying for the milks.

"you're buying five?" jungkook asked, furrowing his brows.

"yeah, just in case he appears out of nowhere and kills my milk again, i still have four others." daesom beamed.

jungkook chuckled, "funny."

"make sure you kill him later if you meet him." daesom said.

"maybe i will." jungkook chuckled again.

"great, i'll go now. bye!" daesom waved, leaving the mart for the third time that day.

she drank her banana milk, and at same time trying to search for any signs of jimin on her way home.

she felt a presence behind her, and then the same thing happened. jimin - who appeared out of nowhere - killed her milk for the second time.

"oops." jimin said, raising his hands in defense.

just as jimin was about to spree again, daesom caught him on the right time, grabbing his hair as she did so.

"hey, that hurts!" jimin exclaimed, trying to pry her hands off him but failed.

"ha! you deserve it, sucker!" daesom grinned evilly.

"let go of me!" jimin pleaded.

"you stole my milk yesterday and killed two of them today. now you're expecting me to free you? no way, dude." daesom snickered, grabbing onto his hair tighter, making him wince in pain.

"please. i didn't mean to!"

daesom rolled her eyes, "you didn't mean to? nice excuse, but too bad i'm not buying it."

jimin groaned, "let me go or i'll tell my mommy."

daesom stared at him in shock before bursting out laughing, "mommy?! how old are you even?"

jimin pouted, "my hair. please."

daesom finally let go, "okay, fine. but seriously though, how old are you?"

"that is none of your concern." jimin said, fixing his hair.

"it is. i mean, who around this age needs a mom's help at times like this?! only you!" daesom exclaimed, laughing again.

"i'm only 5, okay?" jimin lied. obviously.

"right, and i'm 3." daesom said in return, stifling her laughter.

"whatever. so long, loser!" jimin said, finding the chance to run away from her again.

"—what? hey, come back here! i'm not done with you yet!" daesom yelled, chasing him once more.

banana milk | park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now