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she stopped in front of a small house. its walls are painted in pastel pink, even the front door too. but overall, the place seemed like a comfortable place to be in.

she sighed and walked to the doorstep, ringing the bell. she looked down and much to her surprise, the carpet was also in pink.

she frowned. the owner of this house must be a girl. she thought.

just then, the door opened, revealing a guy probably about a head taller than her.

"yes? can i help you?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

daesom fiddled her fingers nervously, "uhm... you see, my brother, hoseok, told me to come here to.. uh..." she trailed off, unable to come up with any words to say.

"hoseok? you mean that horse guy?" he asked.

daesom nodded, stifling her laughter, "yeah. him. he said that apparently someone living here is a 'love expert' or something." she said, making air quotations using her fingers.

"and since i'm having trouble with, you know, these stuffs, he told me to come." she ended and chuckled nervously.

"love expert? really, now? oh, i hate that guy." he rolled his eyes and faced her.

he then flashed her a sweet smile, "anyway, come in. we'll try to help you out if we can."

she made her way inside, eyes wandering around the place.

"we?" She questioned. wasn't he the only one living there?

"yeah, we. seokjin's in his room." he said.

daesom sat on the couch, nodding at his statement.

"and who's that?" she asked.

"oh, uhh... my boyfriend." he replied, a bit nervous, thinking on how she would react.

daesom widened her eyes in utter surprise, "oh, your boyfriend?"

"yeah, sorry if you feel uncomfortable, i—"

she shook her hands vigorously and grinned widely at him, "no, no! don't be! i openly support gay rights!"

he smiled warmly, "oh, that's great! and, i'm namjoon, by the way. coffee?"

"tea would be fine. and it's daesom."

"ok, wait here." he said, walking to the kitchen, probably to make some tea.

and then the door to a room opened, revealing another tall guy - but maybe shorter than the guy earlier.

seeing daesom, he frowned, "you are?"

"daesom. you must be seokjin."

namjoon came back with some tea and after taking notice of seokjin, he grinned.

"oh, seokjin! this is daesom, that annoying hoseok's sister." he chirped.

seokjin's lips formed an 'o' as he nodded, "nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too."

"and what is she doing here?" seokjin turned back to namjoon.


"okay, so he confessed to you right after that jungkook guy dumped you?" namjoon asked.

"well, you could say it like that. note that he didn't dump me though. it's just that he has a girlfriend." daesom stated.

"that's just the same." seokjin spoke.

"it's not!"

he shrugged, "it is."

"jin, stop it. don't you pity this little girl who just got dumped? look at her, she looks exactly like an abandoned puppy." namjoon said, restraining himself from laughing.

"excuse me? i thought you're here to help me, not to bully me." daesom scoffed, folding her arms.

"fine, we're sorry. but why did that hoseok told you to come to us for help? i mean, i'm not an expert." seokjin sighed.

"i don't know. just tell me your opinions. what i should do." daesom said.

"do you like that jimin guy?" namjoon asked.

"no. we're not even friends. he might be really annoying at times." daesom replied a bit too quickly.

"then it's solved! you don't like him, dump him." seokjin spoke as if it was the easiest thing to do.

"what?! i can't just dump him!" daesom exclaimed.

"why? i thought you didn't care?" namjoon asked.

"well, i don't, but..." she trailed off.

"you care! then it's solved! you like him, accept him." seokjin spoke up again.

daesom mentally face-palmed herself at those two.

"do you still have feelings for jungkook?" namjoon asked.

daesom frowned as if in deep thought, "feelings? i'm not sure. i don't even know what love is. how am i sure if i do have feelings for him?"

namjoon tsked at her, "love is like a roller coaster ride. your heart beats faster when your with him, and for some reason, you hate it when you see him with another girl."

"and do you want to know the difference between liking someone and loving someone?" seokjin continued.

"what is it?"

"if you like someone, you look forward on seeing them everyday. but if you love someone, you can't live a day without them." he ended dramatically.

daesom slowly nodded, understanding everything, "okay."

seokjin then cleared his throat, "now, earlier you said that you care for jimin—" "i don't!"

"oh, shut up! we all know you do! now, it's only left for you to decide. do you just like him as a friend or something even more?" namjoon smirked.

daesom sighed, "i don't know. but i'm telling you once more, he is not my friend."


i just realized that i haven't made any povs for any of the characters lmao. or have i? idk. i'm currently learning the choreographies to dope, run and like ooh ahh hohoho. and oh wow, finally a chapter that's not so short.

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