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"i don't see jimin anywhere today." daesom said, sipping on her 7th banana milk that day.

"me neither. he's not... avoiding you, is he?" jungkook asked in doubt.

daesom gulped her milk down, glaring at jungkook, "why would he?"

he shrugged, "i don't know. why wouldn't he?"

daesom watched jungkook fix his own hair before she replied, "he wouldn't, right?"

"why do you care?" jungkook muttered, ruffling his hair.

daesom played with her bottle of milk nervously, thinking for a while, "because he's my friend after all."

jungkook looked at daesom and smiled, "are you sure you only see him as your friend? or something even more?"

daesom stared at him, his words having great effect on her.

she furrowed her brows in deep thought, "i... don't know."

at this moment jungkook smiled even more, "you like him too, don't you?"

daesom frowned, sighing, "who cares whether i do or don't? what matters is that now i'm too late. i rejected him."

"nothing's too late." jungkook beamed.

daesom looked at jungkook while he stared back.

"so are you just gonna keep standing there or?" jungkook said.

daesom grinned widely, "thank you!"

she immediately ran out of the mart to jimin's house, clearly remembering his address. oh, and also throwing her empty milk into a trash can when she did.

she rang his bell when she was already at his doorstep, and her hands on her knees, panting after all that running she did.

the door opened and she expected jimin to come out but instead, she was staring at a different person.

"yes? is there something that i can help?" he asked.

"uh, is jimin inside?" daesom asked, scratching her nape awkwardly.

the man in front of her furrowed his brows in confusion, "i'm afraid to say but nobody in this house has the name of jimin."

daesom's heart started to race faster, "w-what do you mean? that park jimin, he lives in this house! where is he?!"

he sighed hardly, "i've told you, there isn't any jimin here."

daesom shook her head in denial, "there is, i'm telling you!"

"maybe that's the previous owner. he moved out just a while ago, you see." the man told her.

daesom couldn't believe what she was hearing. she collapsed onto the floor, tears gushing down her cheeks.

"no, that can't be possible! why would—"


daesom looked up by the mention of her name. she turned her head to the side, only to be greeted by a curious jimin standing on the doorstep of the house beside theirs.

daesom gasped and stood up, running towards jimin's place.

the man muttered a few curses before shutting the door shut.

she hugged him tightly, surprising the latter.

jimin widened his eyes, "what are you doing?"

daesom sniffled, "you scared me to death, you idiot!"

"what did i do? shit, did i do something wrong?" jimin bit his lower lip nervously.

she finally let out a chuckle, "yes, yes you did."

jimin pulled away and looked at daesom in the eyes, "why are you crying?"

daesom looked away, wiping her tears away, "i'm not."

"i'm not stupid and you know that." jimin uttered.

"it's just so.... embarrassing." daesom squeaked, her face red.

"what is it?" jimin asked curiously.

"you don't need to know." she muttered.

"come on, tell me." jimin said, tapping his feet impatiently.

daesom avoided his eyes, "i thought you left me."

jimin was now confused, "i don't understand."

"i went to the wrong house, okay? the owner told me that the previous owner, which i thought was you, moved out of the house." daesom voice trailed off at the end.

kimin laughed, "okay, that's quite embarrassing. wait, you cried because of that?"

daesom cleared her throat, "i did not cry."

jimin grinned widely, "okay, i believe in you. so, why did you come? is there something you wanted to tell me or?"

daesom was now nervous. what was she supposed to say?

"i-i think that i m-might like this certain someone." she stuttered, not having the courage to say that he was the one that she likes.

jimin's grin turned into a frown, for he took it the wrong way. daesom could clearly see that he was hurt. she immediately regretted what she said.

"oh, really? i wish you good luck, then. oh, i forgot that there's somewhere that i really need to go. see you later!" jimin smiled bitterly at her before walking past her.

daesom stood still in her place, trying to digest everything.

she then shook her head, and turned around, "wait, jimin!" but then he was already out of her sight.

daesom collapsed to the floor once more, her tears coming out unstoppable, "that's not what's supposed to happen."


omg i don't know why i love this chapter so much haha finally a chapter that's not short lmao. and 2k reads omggggg thank you so much guys :'>

and guys please help me jIMIN IS RuINInG MY LIfE HES NOW MY BIaS WRECKER AHHHH

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