Chapter 4

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I'm in my bed thinking of what happened today 'How did they know TaeHyung? What if he really is an idol from a group called BangTanBoys? Then why would he lie?' I sigh as I roll on to my side hoping to fall asleep like that. Maybe I'm just not sleepy.

---(2Hours Later)---
I still can't sleep even after I tried listening to the peaceful music that my mom likes to listen to whenever she need some sleep.

I decide to go out and get some fresh air just in the park across our house. I put on the jacket I left by the side of my bed and put on the slippers I wear around the house. I go down the stairs gripping on the handle for dear life as my crutches are being held in my other hand. I finally reach the ground and I start to take out my crutches and put them under my arms.

I open the door and take in the cold air when I take a step out of the house. 'I shouldn't be doing this' a voice in my head tells me but I just shake it off. I start to walk and walk to the bench. I reach the bench and I sit down just breathing in the crisp fall air. "HanEul? Is that you?" What is that JiHye? "Yeah, is that you JiHye?" "Yeah. What are you doing out here?" "I couldn't sleep" "yeah me to" she says as she comes to sit down beside me.

We just sit there in silence wondering who's gonna talk first. "So...My mom told me that you got transferred to a hospital in Korea, doesn't that mean you'll stay?" I say deciding to speak up first "yup finally I'm back!" She says enthusiastically "anyways you okay?" I ask her "yeah you?" "No I can't go to sleep I just feel like TaeHyung is lying to me" I reply "well I'm sure he has a very good reason just give him some time and he'll confess okay?" "Okay thanks JiHye" "anything for you."

We go inside and I head to bed since that talk with JiHye got me tired. I hope tomorrow will be a good day.

I'm running and I can't stop. I'm running after something or someone in this case. I'm screaming their name but they won't stop why? Why won't they stop? Can't they hear me?

I'm so confused as I see that person look at me then go through a wight light and I'm left here in this dark place alone. I can't see nor hear I'm crying but what the point? I'm all alone.

DEED DEED DEED!!!! my alarm goes off and I immediately get up sweat drenching my bed completely. "What was that?" I ask myself. Did I make an alarm clock for 6pm? I don't remember that. Plus why'd I wake up so late?

I get up anyway and go to take a shower and it hits me today was me and TaeHyung's 3month-a-versary! "That's why I had an alarm clock" I say scratching my neck 'don't boys usually forget these kind of stuff?' I ask myself in my head so I probably shouldn't make this a big deal right? I'll just maybe get a cake and go out somewhere with him.

Maybe something good will happen but I can't jinx it.

I wake JiHye and asked her to take me to the coffee shop where I plan to meet TaeHyung.

Me and JiHye get ready and go downstairs. She opens up the passenger seat for me and gets in herself "so where to?" She asks "Emerald Café" I whisper clutching my black purse, why do I feel so sick? Like I might faint or hurl any second?

"Hey are you okay?" JiHye asks "yeah just nervous..." I whisper again. The rest of the ride was pretty much quiet accept for us talking here and there.

We arrive and I feel excited. I tell JiHye that she doesn't have to wait for me and that I'll call her if she needs to pick me up. I wait in the outside the coffee shop for about 10minutes then 20, then 30..."where is he?" I ask myself rubbing my hands together the December weather can be so harsh.

"He didn't forget did he? Did something happen? He couldn't have forgotten I mean we were talking about it yesterday!" I say talking to myself as though I'm a crazy person.

I've been for about 2hrs now and I started getting tired so I go into the shop and decide to wait there.

I wait for 3more hours until my phone rings "hello?" I ask tiredly "Oh yeah HanEul I forgot to tell you don't wait for me I have stuff to do today!" TaeHyung says but before I can answer he hangs up.

I'm freezing and I'm wondering if I should call JiHye or just call TaeHyung but right now I don't even want to hear his voice! I've been waiting for 5hrs and now he calls me?! The tears start welling up in my eyes and I don't know why I'm angry not sad!

The tears are hot against my cold face as they fall. I end up calling JiHye while crying and she ends swearing at TaeHyung through the phone.

I wait outside the cafe for about 10minutes before I hear her call me "HanEul!" She calls me "oh god your freezing come on!" She exclaims picking me up from the bench next to the building but the only thing on my mind was him, 'TaeHyung just...stood me up?' I ask myself I still can't seem to believe it.

"Are you okay? You have a cold and your crying" JiHye asks but right now I don't feel like talking to anyone "I'm fine" I mutter hoping she'd understand that I'm too upset to talk right now.

We arrive home and I go upstairs to my room and shut the door I'm too upset to even be mad! I get that he's busy but I still don't know know it took him so long to call me. I'm sick, I have a headache, my chest feels tight because of the cold, my body is freezing, and the tears are still falling. I feel like crap and I feel so humiliated I waited for 5hrs and now I just want to do nothing but take some medicine and go to sleep and that exactly what I plan to do.

I grab some syrup medicine and drink three spoons full and go back upstairs and finally try to put myself to sleep.

I'm working on going to sleep when my phone rings "TaeHyung" it reads but I shut it off and put my phone down. I feel bad that I did that but at the same time part of me is cheering because of what I just did.

Maybe we'll talk it out tomorrow but right now I'm furious with him...
So I know that I took to long to update! I sorry I was working on two other FanFictions 1for Jimin and 1for Jhope and Jin I'll release the Jin and Jhope one soon! So please stay tuned!!

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