Chapter 3

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"Who was he?" My mothers disappointed voice rings throughout my ears.

"Who?" I ask, my eyebrows knitted as I walk into kitchen her naturally voice echoing throughout the kitchen. "You know exactly who I'm talking about young lady the man who bought you home and then came again at 4:00am last night" I zip my mouth, wanting to say something but, I admit I have no argument. Well I'm dead.

"Mom its my boyfriend?" my voice comes out in a questionable tone that I can't really describe.

"You are not allowed to date boys who come to their girlfriends houses at 4 what did he expect? That you were gonna play around with him?" I'm not stupid I can clearly hear the dissatisfaction in her voice but, you have to admit where on earth is this coming from?

"Okay hold on mom he's not that kind of guy" I chuckle in disbelief slightly as I start coming to his defense.

"Well if he came at 4am then yes he is! And you are not allowed to see him again" what? She has absolutely no right to do that "what? No! I have right to see whoever I want, whenever I want, and wherever I want! I'm 22 mom! I'm not a baby!" I reply yelling back with just as much anger in my voice.

"No you may not!" She raises her voice even louder the stomping of her foot not echoing throughout the kitchen. "Yes I am! I'm 22! I'm supposed to be out of the house living a life of my own! But no instead I'm here living with my mom oh, and just to add the cherry on top IM BLIND!" I yell releasing all my anger, the words coming out much harsher and louder than I thought it would.

I can hear the pan drop as my mother starts to sniffle. I immediately slap myself in my head 'crap! I made mom cry.'

I can soon hear the sound of my mother crying as she runs upstairs slamming her door. "Shit" I curse putting a hand on my hip while running the other through my hair. "I shouldn't have done that" I sigh loudly, the upset tone in my voice clearly noticble. "Wow" I hear the mocking voice of JiHye "way to hit home HanEul" gee, thanks for reminding me.

I feel like complete crap for making my mom cry. I run upstairs and knock on her door but she won't open I can hear her snoring 'great she fell asleep' I eagerly stomp my foot on the ground as I enter my room and go to sleep as well, I'm so tired because of that fight. I'll talk to my mother when I wake up.

I wake up, yawning as I stretch my aching limbs. Eagerly jumping off my bed for no apparent reason, walking out of my room I suddenly hear the voices I most definitely recognize. "Oh your name is TaeHyung?" My mother "what a nice name" JiHye clearly swoons as the high pitched giggle is heard shortly after.

And lastly I hear his voice "Thank You" he replies. I sigh, disappointingly to myself as I debate whether I have the guts to walk down there. I shake my head as I finally decide, my hair falling loosely out of the low ponytail I had it in. The black ebony locks now hanging a bit on my shoulders as the band lightly tugs at it.

I walk down the stairs and hold the handle bar on the wall next to the stairs to make sure I don't fall. But, just like me I end up missing a step "ow!" I yell catching their attention.

"HanEul!" I hear all three of them yell, their worried tone causing their voices to shake. "Are you okay?" TaeHyung asks really worriedly "I'm fine I just need to put some ice on it" I hate being the center of attention, no in fact I absolutely despise it. I try to get up but to my surprise it hurts so bad that I fall again "don't move" I hear JiHye, her voice stern and mature as she continues to examine my foot "your foot is all bruised I think you sprained your ankle" she's in the medical field thank god for that.

"Why are you here?" I ask TaeHyung as he applies ice on my foot as my mom gets my clothes ready to go to the hospital. "Well at first I came here to see you then you're mom opened the door then slammed it in my face" he laughs a little before continuing "so I waited outside until the sun set then she let me in." "I'm sorry you had to wait outside for so long" the apology as sincere I can get as I shake my head in disbelief. "It's okay it was worth it now your mother likes me!" He replies excited as I feel the sudden swish of air as his hands fly up.

"HanEul!" My mothers voice rings down the stairs clearly 'she must have my clothes ready.' I press my lips together for a moment before getting up. My arms suddenly lightly grabbed as I'm helped up.

"Here let me help" he laughs softly as he grabs my hand and wraps his free arm around my waist "oh thank you" the blush is now evident on my face as he continues to help me.

We arrive upstairs and my mother guides me to the room as she hands me my clothes. "So you really like him huh?" My mother laughs as she helps me unbutton and take off my shirt "yeah," I smile unknowingly before starting the apology. "And look I'm sorry mom I shouldn't have screamed at you" the guilt racking throughout my voice as I apologize.

"No honey it's know I was like that with your father" she sighs "I loved him so much" she pats my shoulder lightly "oh, I'm sorry mom but don't worry you'll find someone you love soon" I smile as I try to make my mother happier "oh thank you honey" she says squeezing my cheeks "ahh mom that hurts!" I say rubbing my cheeks but she just laughs.

I wonder if my smile looks nice to people? It makes me feel a bit self conscious when I smile.

We arrive at the hospital and I'm just trembling with fear. I HATE Hospitals I just hate them. "Are you okay?" JiHye asks as her and TaeHyung help me out of the car "y-yeah w-w-why wouldn't I b-be" I say stuttering like a person who was just traumatized. "Your stuttering" "why is she afraid?" TaeHyung asks "long story short she hates hospitals every since she lo-" I quickly interrupt her by kicking her in the shin and telling her to shut up "ow! HanEul! What was that for?!" She says screaming "hehe my bad, it's nothing TaeHyung I just don't like hospitals."

We enter the hospital and I can hear some girls whispering behind us. "Isn't that V?" "OMG yes yes it is!" "From BangTan Boys?" "Yes omg wait here I'll go ask for his autograph" I hear their conversation, but who's V? And who are these BangTan Boys  their talking about? But most importantly what kind of name is V?! "TaeHyungs hands start to tremble in mine and I can feel his sweat "what's wrong?" I ask him "nothing" he replies but his voice was trembling.

"Yes?" I can hear my mother say as we suddenly stopped walking "oh um yes can we have an autograph?" Who's autograph? "I think you have the wrong person" I hear TaeHyung reply "no! Your V from BTS! Ahh! TaeHyung oppa can we get a picture?!" They ask all excitedly, but how do they know TaeHyung's name?

"I'm sorry I don't know who your talking about" he says again "oppa! Please!! But wait oppa who's this girl your holding hands with?" they suddenly said "look you have the wrong person good bye" he says as he pulls me to him as we start walking again. "Who were those girls?" I ask as were all walking again "just some fangirls that mistaked me for some idol" "oh okay..." I know he's lying but I'll just leave it at that.

"It's just a little fracture" the doctor says examining my foot "your lucky it's small and not any bigger" "thank you" I say. "We'll just give you a wrap around bandage and a case for your foot just to protect it" "thank you" I say again just wanting to get out of here.

We're going home and I choose to stay silent about TaeHyung I mean we've only been dating for what like 1day? I should give him privacy if he doesn't want to talk about it that's fine by me.
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