Chapter 6

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We lace our fingers together and start to walk he says we should first visit the photo booth for couples so we can make some memories but right after he says that I sharp pang gets me right in the heart.

"Hey what's wrong?" He says lifting my head "I'm blind how can make memories when I can't even see them" I say and I can feel his intense gaze on me. "Hey just because your blind doesn't mean that we can't make memories, memories are for everyone!" He says caressing my cheek.

I press my face more into his hand "your hands are so warm" I mutter kissing his palm "their warm just for you" he says in a deeper voice then usual.

"Come on!" I say cheering up "show me the booth!" I add happily "over here" he says pulling me.

We arrive at the booth and TaeHyung won't stop giggling like a high school girl who likes a boy. "Why do you keep giggling?" I ask laughing a bit myself "because I'm excited!" He exclaims. We slip behind the curtains of the booth and it feels so warm inside "ooo~ it's so warm" I giggle, I think his happiness is spreading which honestly scares me but makes me happy at the same time.

We start taking pictures and he says to make funny faces. "Okay!" I laugh 'I may not be able to see but the fact that he's here with me is more than enough to me' I think in my head as I make funny faces with him.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" He asks caressing my long black hair "nothing just that I'm lucky to have you" I breathe taking his hand in mine. I put my head on his chest and calm myself down as I listen to his steady heartbeats.

"Hey" he says to get my attention "hey" I reply smiling lazily as I lift my head thinking he probably there. "What's gotten into you today?" He asks still caressing my hair "nothing just that I'm finally realizing how lucky to have you by my side always" I reply kissing his cheek

"You always pick up when I call."

I kiss his other cheek.

"Your always there in a second when I need you."

I kiss his nose.

"You sing me to sleep when I can't go to sleep even though your tired."

I kiss his eyelid.

"You always make me laugh when I'm sad."

I kiss his other eyelid.

"You make me feel so"

I kiss his lips.

I hug him and he lifts my chin "I love you with my all my heart too, I day dream about us all the time. Your always on my mind that I can't even walk properly anymore" he says kissing my lips.

The kiss is burning with passion and I can feel my heart beating much faster than its normal pace. "Do you feel that?" He asks suddenly breaking out kiss "what?" I ask, he takes my hand and brings it to his chest "my overwhelming heart beat, this is happening because of you" he says breathing into my hair.

"It's getting to hot in here" he sighs getting up "yeah let's go get some drinks" I offer "is there a café?" I ask "yes I'll lead you there" he says taking my hand.

We get out and we take the pictures and put them into my purse as we walk off. The moment we just had still burns brightly in my head. I don't know what can over me but I loved it. How was I able to get everything out like that?

We arrive at the cafe and he pulls me to a faraway seat. We sit across each other and were still hold each other's hand. He rubs his thumb on the back of my hand, I sigh nothing can feel better than this right now.

The waiter comes and takes our orders. We thank her and she leaves. We sit there in silence the voices of other people completely being tuned out in our heads. It's not an awkward silence no, more like a silence where every couple has just to admire each other.

"Here are your orders!" The waitress comes in in an excited manner. She puts down our drinks and leaves.

"HanEul I wanna show you my friends" he says 'is his voice getting deeper?' I ask myself "oh sure but...I'm quite shy of meeting new people" I mumble the last part "it's okay they'll love you since I can't stop talking about you when I'm with them" he says getting quieter "then I would love to have the honor of meeting your beloved friends Ms. Kim TaeHyung" I say so elegantly it makes me barf in my head "the pleasure is mine Mrs. Kim HanEul" he returns the elegance.

---(A Couple Of Hours Later)---
TaeHyung and I had so much fun! We went on so many rides except for the fact that people kept stopping us and kept mistaking him for the idol he resembles a lot apparently. But other than that I had the best day of my life with him, and I couldn't wish for anything more.

He bought matching couple bracelets and t-shirts even phone cases and rings I never knew he was into that stuff.

We get into the parking lot and find his car "what time is it?" I ask him "9pm you still wanna meet my friends?" He asks worriedly "of coarse!" I exclaim happy to finally meet them.

"Hyung" he suddenly makes a phone call "I'm bringing my girlfriend over right now so tell them too!" He says, it seems his phone is on speaker though "oh TaeHyung-ah your bringing your girlfriend?!" I can hear some voices in the back round "yah hyung said bringing his girlfriend over! Clean this place up! "what?! Yes! Someone wake up Yoongi hyung and tell him!" Another one screams.

He ends the call and I start chuckling "your friends are very funny" I say still laughing "yup that's my friends for ya'" he says leading me into the car.

We drive to his house and I already feel nervous "it's okay they'll love you" he says caressing my hand. I just smile and nod in return.

We arrive at his house and he opens the door for me helping me out of the car. We walk into the building and go up a couple floors. He keeps making laugh with stories about them the whole way up. He also tells me their names and their personalities.

He knocks on the door and we start hearing loud yelling "yah! JungKook give me back my book they came!" One boy screams "Shut up! Where too loud you idiots!" Another guy with a deep voice says I just laugh to myself. Their much funnier than I expected.

They finally open up the door and I hide behind TaeHyung too shy to come out. "Hey it's all right they'll love you" he whispers in my ear.

We leads me inside and everyone falls sickest for a moment "oh this is how you look! Your much more prettier than we expected" one of them says and I sigh in relief moving my head to where his voice is coming from "thank you" I reply to his compliment "come in sit we made food" the one, who I suspect TaeHyung said was NamJoon because he said his voice was really deep, said. "You mean I made the food you guys just played around like kids" another said. I laugh "oh my god she laughed" one whispered thinking I couldn't hear him "yeah we're not idiots JungKook" one replied.

This will be really fun...
I hope you like it!! I just finished it well bye I need to go to sleep my eyes keep shutting on their own.

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