Parting Ways

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Ok, so, I had this chapter all written out by hand because I'd been working on it every chance I got. It was a magnificent length too, but then I lost the notebook.                             ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ I can't believe myself. Through all the Thanksgiving rush and studying for finals, I just misplaced it. Ugh. This chapter is based loosely on what I had written, but nowhere near the quality of the original. For that I apologize. I've also cut the original story I had going into parts, that way I can focus on remembering different things at a time. And who knows, maybe I'll find the notebook.

Also, I have been agonizing over how to portray Thorin without Ilma there beside him. The story is pretty much the same without her there, so I decided not to return to his POV until Ilma finds him again. I know that's probably annoying, but thus far, Ilma's characterization has been based on her interactions with the Company, and I like the idea of developing her on her own.

Ciao, Jesse.

P.s. I am focusing solely on this fic until it reaches completion. Knowing me, that's not much of a guarantee of anything, though. Lol.

Ilma scowled darkly to herself as she walked through the shaded halls of her father's palace. Security had really tightened after the Company's escape, and she could hardly take a step without encountering members of the guard. Their eyes followed her closely, and she was sorely tempted to leave. Guilt over her last, unfinished, conversation with Legolas kept her from doing it.

As much as she yearned to rejoin Thorin, she couldn't just leave her brother believing she would use him so callously. She'd planned on staying behind from the beginning, if only to explain her actions before following after the Company, but she hadn't taken the orcs into account. Now Legolas was busy interrogating their survivors and Ilma doubted she'd get the chance to speak with him before she had to leave.

For some reason she couldn't explain, the idea of Thorin entering the mountain without her made her nervous.

Lost in thought, Ilma almost collided with Tauriel as the taller woman rounded a corner.

"Oh," she said, dutifully mortified. "Forgive me, your Highness, I walked in haste."

Ilma waved away her apologetic bow. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't watching my path any more than you were."

With a quick bow, little more than a dip of the knees, Tauriel rushed past the shorter elf, her green eyes wide and unseeing. Curious, Ilma turned to watch her as she rushed down the corridor. She had assumed the red head was helping her brother interrogate the remaining orc-kin, and, as she remembered it, the two of them were practically inseparable. How odd for her to be out on her own.


The taller woman stopped, but hesitated before turning around. "Yes, your Highness?" Her green eyes flit about, pointedly avoiding Ilma's gaze.

"Where are you going?"

The guard captain's shoulder's tensed just enough for the movement to be visible. "I-I am going to patrol the perimeter. We can't have anymore of those scum within our lands."

Her tone was guileless, and her words logical, but something rang false. Ilma smiled up at her old friend. "Then you won't mind if I join you, then."

Tauriel's eyes widened, and her lips thinned imperceptibly. "Of course, not, your Highness. I would be honored."

Ilma fell into step behind Tauriel and resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at the guards as they passed through the front gate. Once out of elven earshot, Tauriel turned on her heel.

"My lady, I assume you have accomplished your goal. Now, I will leave you."

Ilma reached out and grabbed her arm. "Wait, Tauriel. You're going after them, right?"

"I-I don't know what you mean."

Ilma raised one pale eyebrow. It was enough to send Tauriel's eyes bouncing again. "Please, Tauriel, I know you like Kili. I don't blame you. He's an honest soul, and quite tall, for a dwarf." A faint blush crossed her friend's face. "Let me come with you. I've known them longer than you have, and can better judge their actions."

They stood in silence for a moment before Tauriel nodded curtly. "Yes, you are right. Our path's would have crossed anyway."

Ilma smiled, but her mind was filled with trepidation. Legolas was not going to like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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