Chapter 8

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The next morning after the no sleep I got I went to pick up my car and go back and see Jimmy. The hole drive my heart was racing fast. Once I got there I got out my car and locked it behind me and walk over to his caravan. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer but when I got an answer it wasn't from who I Wanted it to be.

" oh um hi is Jimmy here " I said to the girl standing at the door of his caravan.

" yeah but he is busy right now " she said strongly.

" ok can you just let him know Paige was here".

" sure what ever " she said slamming the door shut after.

I walked to the the main tent, no one was In there apart from a pile of paper and a pencil ,pen and a rubber. I grabbed some paper and the other stuff and went and lay on the stage. I lay there and started to draw Jimmy until Ethel came in .

" hey love what you doing in here on your own " she asked.

" drawing".

" no I meant why are you own your own ".

" oh cause Jimmy has a little friend over so I'm out the window".

" I'll go get him and bring him here to have a word" said Ethel.

Once she left I when back to my drawing that I was pretty proud of I started going over the lines in pen when Ethel and Jimmy came back.

" why do I have to be here can't you clearly see I have a friend here" said Jimmy.

" oh so want am I then " I so as sitting up putting the base of my feet together.

" you are my very close friend ".

" oh well thanks I thought I was more then that but sure I've had enough of you for now " I said getting up to leave " oh and here you go I was planning on giving it to you after tonight's show so I could add colour to it " I said throwing the drawing at him and leaving. Well I left to the point I sat behind the curtain to listen in.

" wow she really did this for me it's so good " said Jimmy.

" yeah Jimmy because she cares about you , you can see when ever anyone mentions you she gets a big smile on her face and her eyes light up or when ever your together, she loves you and she thought you did to as did I " said Ethel .

After she said that I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. Every guy i have ever let in to my life just breaks something then leaves.

" what ever has happened between you I don't know but she now just looks hurt and broken she was already hurt and broken after what happened with her dad and you are the best to know how that feels".

" I know , I kinda just missed kameron you know " said Jimmy.

" what so you just kick some one who cares about you most to the kerb ".

" what have I done " said Jimmy sighing .

" don't ask me your the one who as done it ".

" she will never forgive me and the worse part is I'm in love with her".

"Why did he just say he was in love with me " I wispered.

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