Chapter 5

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I grabbed bag and jumped in the car. Once we got there I seen Jimmy sitting on the steps to his caravan. The car stopped and he looked to see who it was. I got out the car then going to pull my bag out the boot. Jimmy came over and hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Hey what are you doing here " asked Jimmy.

" my mum is letting me stay ".

" now Jimmy who is in charge around here I need to talk to them" asked my mum.

"You mean miss . Elsa marrs come with me ".

He took me and my mum back to the tent he took me to last night.

" hello elsa , I'm Paige's mum and I'm leaving her in your care for a while her brother and sister are staying with her dad and I though she would rather stay here then go to her dads " said my mum " I'm not able to look after them as much as before after the doctor telling me I was ill so may she stay here when they can not stay with me ".

" I will say to you what I said to her she may stay here as long as she wants , as she is the first girl to like Jimmy for him".

My mum smiled at elsa then hugged me then left.

" thank you miss. Marrs ".

" please just call me elsa".

Me and Jimmy left the tent as soon as we got out side of it I hugged him.

" I told you she couldn't stop me seeing you ".

" I know you did , so I'm free till tonight's show so what do you want to do " asked Jimmy.

" I want you to meet my best friend cassie and her friend Matthew because they are probably hanging out ".

" um ok if your sure" said Jimmy " I just need to get something from my caravan".

He came back after wearing cloves.

" give me them you don't need to wear them " I said.

" Paige can I just wear them until I get to know them".

" ok sure".

We got on to Jimmy's motorbike and I started tilling him they way I had text cassie to see where she was and she was down at the park with Matt.

" it's that the park right there ".

He pulled up and parked next to the park. We both got off his bike.

" Paige do I have to do this ".

I could see that Jimmy was really nervous to meet my friends. I took his hand to reassure him.

" trust me you will be fine if it gets to much let me know and we can leave straight away I promise ".

We walked over to Matt and and cassie and sat on the swings next to them.

" hey cassie , hey Matt this is Jimmy the guy I told you about cassie ".

" hi  nice to meet you " said Jimmy.

Cassie and Matt waved at Jimmy.

" so Jimmy you got a job" asked Matt.

" yeah I work at the freak show that's in town , I don't get paid for it they are more like family then people I work with".

" oh cool so u help at the ticket booth or somthing ".

" um no I'm actually in the show " .

Jimmy started blushing from embarrassment. 

" Jimmy it's fine I promise there is nothing to be embarrassed about" I said them kissing him on the cheek.

" no that's pretty cool you know " said Matt.

Cassie just looked at me like she wasn't sure.

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