Chapter 15

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I walked back to the caravan after breakfast.

"Marry me and run away with me ?" Said Jimmy.

" um Jimmy who are you talk to ".

" oh no one".

" ok I was just coming to tell you I'm going to hang out with cassie and Matt today as I don't get to a lot" I said.

" ok see you later phone me if you need me " said Jimmy.

" I will" I said kissing Jimmy on the cheek before grabbing my jacket and leaving.

I got in the car and drove to cassie's house once getting there knocked on the door.

" hey come in Matt is already here". Said cassie.

" oh I think Jimmy is going to ask me to marry him and then run away with him.

" Paige are you crazy what about your mum , Emma , Tristan plus me and Matt how could you leave us" I said cassie.

" but then we can get away from crazy ex kameron that's the girl we seen" I said " she is desperate to get Jimmy back , it would be like me wanting to steal Matt from you don't worry I don't want to".

" I think that's romantic get married and run away together into the sun set you know we should be that cassie" said Matt.

" in your dreams lover boy" she said playfully shoving him .

" can we make a deal no Jimmy talk all day " said cassie.

" fine".

We all chose to play truths/ would you rather for a bit as there was nothing better today and no one could be Arsed to go outside.

" cassie if me , Matt and him who shall not be named were in a burning building and you could only save one of us who would it be " I said.

" wait him who shall not be named as in Voldemort cause you can say his name he is dead" said Matt.

" no you idiot Jimmy, and Matt of course so you could die with your true love ".

" aww thanks love you to " I said.

Later on we all watched movies once again all sitting in the same spot and getting through the same amount of pop corn and ice cream.

I was happily watching a film until I got a text from Jimmy.

' can you come back now , somthing has happened to my ma xxx'.

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