Chapter 20

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' I'm back to get what's mine bitch'.

The next I got a texted from a unknown number but who was it .

" guys do you know this number " I asked.

"Nope " they both said after looking at it .

" what if crazy kameron knows your not there and is planning on stealing your Prince Charming away " said cassie .

" I'm so confused and now freaked out".

I tried to think of other people it could be but the only names that came to mind were kameron and ... MAGGIE!

" Maggie " I said quietly.

" who not another one of his exes".

"Yup another one ".

After I got another texted but this time it was from someone I knew Jimmy ' hey baby girl , I'm so sorry for how I was yesterday I should of thought before I went and got drunk please come back I miss you xxx".

" bye guys I'm going back to see Jimmy he said sorry and that he was fine now and I need to find out who that is ".

" ok bye see you later" said cassie seeing me out.

" thanks for getting me out of there I'm happy I have you".

I got in my car and drove back to the grounds.once I got there I parked the car and walked to the caravan.

" hey Jim..." I said I stopped in my tracks there was a blonde girl sitting with him.

" this is Maggie an old friend of mine".

" hey Paige did you get my text I thought you would of replied to me but I guess not ".

" Jimmy can I talk to you alone please ".

"Sure babe ".

We both went outside shutting the door so she couldn't listen in.

" why is she here she is your ex oh and the text she sent me here you go" I send showing him the text.

" oh my I didn't even know she must have gotten it off my phone when I went to see elsa it was on your number when I got back".

We both went back in to the caravan.

" what do you have to say about this then". Said Jimmy waving the phone about in front of her.

" I sent her a text big deal".

" yeah saying your getting what is yours back , I'm not yours you don't own me I wouldn't go back out with you I love Paige ".

" yeah but does she really love you who is she seeing when she is at her friends house do you really know who is there".

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