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After the party I convinced Jimmy for us to stay at my mums as it was closer then having to try get back to the camp by 8 o clock. My mum drove us all home and I felt bad for Emma who got stuck in the middle of Jimmy and Tristan in the back of the car.

" MUM! Tristan just farted and it is really stinky " shouted Emma.

"Haha have fun with that Jimmy " I said.

Not long after we got back to the house and Emma pretty much fell out of the car.

" yes fresh air I can breath" said Emma very dramatically.

It was weird though having Jimmy at my mums house and staying in my room with me in my bed. I never thought I would have a guy staying in this room with me not till I was like 24 or something like that and was married and visiting for birthdays and Christmas.

" I finally have my very own Prince Charming,wow if you told me about this when I was like 12 I would of laughed because to me I was never like the girls from the books and yes I would read fairytales at 12 and wanted to marry Peter Pan , hey if this doesn't work there is my backup plan".

" thanks but I'm not a Prince Charming I'm a freak that the gorgeous princesses fell for by mistake and really you would replace me with Peter Pan if this doesn't work".

" oh course I would live in never land not grow up and be a mother to the lost boys".

" that's why I love you" said Jimmy coming and hugging me from behind as I was at my mirror taking off my makeup and kissing my neck.

It was weird Jimmy calling me a princess, most girls grow up being called daddy's little princess I was an annoying waste of space to my dad nothing good. He puts himself down so much he was a prince to his mum he was her little prince.

" your mum would of been proud of you today Jimmy you were her little prince".

" I know she would and I wish she could of been here to see it she would of loved it and enjoyed herself she loved you she told me before you came that day, she said that she new you were the right one for me and that I should never let go of you or lose you. " he said " I can promise her I will never lose you or let you go ".

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