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My mum said that she would look after all of the dresses so no one loses them  and so that Jimmy doesn't see mine before the big day. I got in my car with ma petite and went to pick up Paul and Jimmy but on the way back we got stopped by a cop.

" hi sir what seems to be the problem " I said.

" oh nothing it's just to tell everyone to be careful ad that there may a curfew put in place as people are going missing or are killed".

" ok thank you".

I got half way down the road till I seen a pizza shop.

" Jimmy can we get pizza please".

" why do you want pizza ".

"Do you know the last time I had some good pizza or any pizza at that matter ".

" fine go ahead be quick".

I parked out side the shop to go get the pizza and seen they did little single tubs of ice cream so got one for Paul and ma petite.
When I got back into the car I got Jimmy to hold the pizza and gave the others their ice cream.

" aww thanks Paige Jimmy you found your self a keeper " said Paul.

" thank you Paige".

" no problem".

We got back to camp everyone went to their tents or caravans.

" yay!!! Pizza!!!".

" it's really cute that your getting so excited over having a pizza".

"  thanks, you do know that the last time I had pizza was like two years ago as my sister doesn't like it ".

I grabbed my laptop out from under the bed and went onto Netflix to start watching a film. So it was a take out pizza and Netflix party.

" what you watching ".

" I dunno what it is " I said getting ready for my bed.

I got into bed and was about to watch my films when there was a knocked at the door.

"don't worry I'll get it" said Jimmy opening the caravan door " oh hey pa".

" I heard your getting married to a normal girl from in town " dal said then looking at me" I'm guessing this is the game girl your marrying , Jimmy don't go throwing your life away your only 24 and your getting married to this little town girl ".

" dad I don't care I love her and I'm marrying her , you had a kid with my ma then you ran off when I was born how do you know about love".

" fine just don't forget I told you so ".

Jimmy got ready for bed once his dad was gone and got into bed and cuddled up with me to watch a film. Half way through the film I fell fast asleep on Jimmy's shoulder as I had had a long and tiring day.

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