Chapter 3

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Tori's PoV

I expected to be dead. I expected to be greeted by God, if there even is one. I expected anything...but this. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't expect myself to be in a hospital and put on 72 hour suicide watch.

I have been filled in slightly on what happened after I passed out. One of the girls in the bathroom, Tylar, managed to crawl under the stall door. But she got my blood all over her front while doing so. She called 911 and reported a girl bleeding to death. Then unlocked the door so the medics could get me.

When I awoke, I didn't see my mum. I just saw Kalie. She apologized quickly, saying how she didn't mean for me to try to kill myself.

"I didn't try to kill myself. If I had, I would already be dead." I muttered angrily. I had two police officers outside my door, someone was always in my room. So to say I was slightly irritated was an understatement.

After my 72 hours were up, I was taken to a special hospital. It was called London Teen Health Resort. You might as well call it Rehab for Blade and Pill Addicted Teenagers. I looked it up before I left the Sheffield. It's a place 'to rehabilitate teens who feel lost, and like they have no other options than suicide'. Not me. I just felt like I was nothing and that nobody would miss me.

And I was right, I wouldn't be missed. I had no friends, no family. My books might have gotten dusty, yet they don't have feeling. They would suffice without me.

So as the car pulled up to gates, I started crying softly. My dad would be so disappointed in me, wouldn't he? Losing control like that, and not even being able to finish the job. The car slowed to a hault.

I stepped out of the car. I walked around to the back to grab the only bag of clothes that I brought. They said they would allow us one day of the month (supervised of course) to go shopping on the website. I figured I could buy tee shirts then. For right now, I'm sticking to jumpers to cover up my scars and fresh cuts.

I slung my duffle bag's strap over my shoulder and walked inside. I walked up to the front desk. A nurse who looked like she was in her mid thirties smiled up at me. Her name tag said, 'Kristen'.

"Are you Tori Carter?" She asked.

"Yep. Where do I sign?" She handed me a pen and a clipboard. I quickly signed my name, then put it down. Kristen led me down the hall way.

I sighed, trying to hold back any tears that still insisted on coming. I took a deep breath. Trying to calm myself. I knew it wouldn't work. It hardly ever did.

"So we'll have access to books, right?"

"Yes, there's a library. But I highly doubt you'll be spending time in the library. You'll more tha likely be spending time with your partner."


"Oh yes. Everyone has a partner. Safety reasons." I nodded swiftly.

We soon approached a door. Kristen opened it for me, explained that there was a schedule on the table, and left. It was furnished like a hotel room. Two beds, a tv, a table, then a bedside table. I slowly walked to the bed nearest the window. Setting my duffle bag on it, I sat down on the bed.

I am weak. I always have been, but these past few years have really shown it. I'm weak for cutting. I'm weak for never defending myself. I'm weak for crying. I'm weak for trying to kill myself.

I looked down at the floor. Not even bothering to stop the tears. I let them flow without any restrictions from my hazel eyes. I felt broken, shattered. The only reason I was here was because I hadn't waited for the bathroom to be empty. If I had done that simple task, I wouldn't be here. I would be dead.

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