Chapter 10

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Liam's PoV

I didn't understand. I didn't know why she ran. It was just me. She shouldn't have been terrified.

But she bolted out of the room. Faster than I could think about it. I had my clothes on already, so I ran after her. I didn't know where she was going. But I didn't care. I just knew I had to. I knew that no matter what, I had to protect her. Not from normal things, but from herself. And she had to do the same with me.

I hadn't felt like I needed to protect anyone in a really long time. It's a familar, yet alien feeling. I knew how to do it, but it was like I was rusty.

I followed her to our room. She was laying face down on her bed, soft sobs escaping her. I wondered why she cried so much. I would have to ask her later. I couldn't let her sit there upset, though. I sat next to her and rubbed her back gently. She flinched and sat up, so I moved my hand away from her.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"I can't have anyone see my stomach or my side. I just can't." She chokes out, tears rolling down her cheeks.



"Because why?"

"Because I'm ugly, Liam! I've got scars everywhere! I haven't just cut! I have scratched myself, burned myself, bitten myself,pulled my hair, and stopped wounds from healing! All of that has caused me to look ugly!" I was taken aback by this. She didn't honestly think that, did she?

For around a year, I haven't felt this way. I haven't had the need to kiss someone, to hug someone, to tell someone everything to. But Tori made me want all of this again. I wanted to hold her in my arms. Tell her everything about what has happened to me.

I looked her up and down. She had her arms wrapped around her stomach. I reached out for her hands, and as soon as our skin came in contact, she flinched. This time I didn't withdraw my hands, but gripped her arms and gently pulled them away from her stomach. She begged for me to stop as I grabbed her shirt and lifted it slightly.

What I saw nearly made me gasp. There were scars all over her stomach. Some in the shape of mouths, others burn scars. But it was one that really caught my attention. It was larger than the rest, and it was right in the middle of her stomach.

Something else caught my eye. It was a big black tattoo. It said Love and it formed a heart.

"It was to try and remind myself that I was loved." She whispered. I looked back into her eyes, which were red and puffy, glistening with tears. She held out her wrists to me so I looked at them. They were just as scared as her stomach. I felt my eyes start to tear up. Blinking back the tears, I pressed my lips gently to her scars on her right wrist. "What are you doing?"

I pulled her into my lap softly. She looked down, so I captured her chin with my hand, raising it until she was looking me in the eyes. "You are beautiful. You are loved. You are perfect."

She smiled softly. She whispered a thank you. Then she started leaning in slightly. I took a deep breath and waited for our lips to connect, but they never did. Kristen chose that moment to walk in.

We had gotten Tori completely calmed down. She took her physical evaluation, but I had to look away. I didn't argue, I wanted her to feel comfortable. Once she was finished, we headed to lunch.

"What should we do after lunch?" Tori asked.

"I don't know."

"Can we go to the library? I want to see if they have Harry Potter." I stopped and so did she. "What?"

"This place has a pool, basketball courts, art rooms, and media rooms. And you want to go to the library."

"I just want to stop there. Then we can go outside or whatever you want to do."

"You are truly an odd girl."

"But you love me." She said, smiling.

Yeah, that I did.

Ooh, more conversation and insecurities. So much drama. So, I want opinions. When do you think Tori and Liam should have their first kiss?

And normally, Isabella writes the Liam PoVs, but she's been extremely busy. So I wrote it.  ~Ali

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