Chapter 9

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I watched in horror. I couldn't move or speak. I needed to do something for him. Something, anything, but stand here. I just moved instinctively.

I walked closer to him, stood in front of him silently, and wrapped my arms around his middle. I snuggled into his chest, hopefully calming him down slightly. Why? Why would he be searching for a blade? If anybody were to break and do that, surely it would've been me.

"Liam please don't." I whispered. I felt his arms wrap around me. I didn't understand. What was so bad that he felt that need. He was suppose to be the one that was fine. He was suppose to be the one that was okay with things. But I was the one who stayed strong, and he was the one who broke.

And it hadn't even been a day yet.

I didn't understand. I was the weak one, I wasn't suppose to make it through counseling without having a breakdown. I tried to guess what happened. Did Dr. Horan try to get Liam to talk about something bad? Was he pushing Liam to far?

Instead of asking Liam right now, I just simply comforted him. I had a feeling I was doing it wrong, because I had never done this before. I had never been the person that people came to when they needed to feel better. I had only been the one that was comforted.

"Liam, please don't cut. I don't want to lose you." In a way that was true. He was the only person I willingly had touch me in almost two years. I guess I felt connected to him in someway, because we were both here. We were both in this place, we were both living in the same room, and now we both had comforted one another.

I know I had been hostile towards Liam. I didn't mean to be. Honestly I didn't. I just don't know how to be around people when they aren't pounding me. I guess that has made me on edge around people I don't know.

I pulled back from Liam and looked into his brown eyes. They were such a deep brown. I could've easily stared into them for hours. They fascinated me, to say the least. I was drawn into them. They were dark at the start, then as you went further inwards they got brighter. I couldn't understand how two eyes could've made me feel so...happy.

"Come on, let us set forth from this place unharmed. Let us go to the evaluation of our physical state, and see what the fuss is about." I said. He laughed softly, which cause me to smile softly. He had an amazing laugh.

"Okay." He said. He wiped the few tears that were there away as I took his hand in mine again. We walked out of the closet, out of the room, and down the hallway.

At the end of it, Kristen was waiting for us. She explained that she were going to show us to Dr. Smith. She would be weighing us, measuring how tall we are, examining our physical injuries. And all in front of each other.

I took a deep breath as Liam and I followed her. I was scared. Nobody but me had seen my scars before. Not all of them, anyway. And Liam would probably think I was ugly.

I immediately regretted making scars on myself. I had never intended on someone seeing them. I had never wanted anyone to see them. I was just going to live alone for the rest of my life, only interacting with people at restaurants, the store, work, etc. Never give anyone any reason to see.

We approached a door that says 'Medical Centre'. I felt anxious for several reasons. One is the aforementioned issue with Liam seeing my scars, and another is Dr. Smith will see my bruises and cuts on my wrist. Another being my tattoo that I got on my birthday. It said 'LOVE' and then it formed a heart. I got it for me to be assured of myself, I didn't want anyone to see it.

Kristen told us to knock before entering, just in case she had patients. I already figured we would have to knock. It's just polite. I know I'm not the nicest person in the world, but I do have some manners.

Liam knocked on the door, and a girl walked out. She looked around our age, possibly a few years younger. She had long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes. She smiled flirtatiously at Liam.

"Hi there. I'm Joelle." She said to him, completely ignoring me. Okay, that's rude.

"Hi. I'm Liam and this is Tori." He said. I don't know why, but I didn't want them talking. I hated it. It made me so angry. And the worst part is that I don't know why.

"Liam and Tori?" A woman asked from behind Joelle. I nodded quickly. Joelle left (thank god), and we walked in. "Hi, my name is Dr. Smith. I just need to do a physical evaluation of you both, just to make sure we dont' have to worry about you collapsing from bad health or anything of that sort." I nodded silently. "So which of you wants to go first?"

I hesitated. I couldn't let Liam see me without a shirt on. I couldn't let anyone see me. I was embarrassed. Absolutely embarrassed. Ashamed that I had so many scars on my stomach, legs, and my back. Ashamed of my tattoo, because I had gotten it to assure myself I was loved and I shouldn't kill myself, but yet I had tried to anyway. Ashamed because I had made myself so ugly in everyone else's eyes, and now the one person I didn't want to see me as ugly would know it.

"I'll go first." Liam said. I sighed in relief. Maybe I could just make an excuse as to not go when Liam got done? Hopefully I would think of something.

"Okay. I just need you to strip to your underwear for me. To assess your injuries and everything."

Liam just nodded as he took off his clothes, until he was in only his boxers. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was just so flawless. His tan skin, his muscles, his abs. The only imperfection he had was the one cut on his wrist. And that wasn't really an imperfection. It just added to his beauty.

He was imperfectly perfect. He was amazing. Dr. Smith said some numbers that I didn't quite catch. I was focused solely on him.

"Tori, you're up." And that was the moment I ran.

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