ch. 2

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it was sunday afternoon, and niall was at the grocery store purchasing a few things. and he thought of how he always said how he wishes he could know the fans personally. because, in all honesty, they're wild as fuck. he just wanted speak with them for hours. why not actually try and communicate with them? niall thought of an idea. so easy, so simple. it's not like they would know niall had a fan account dedicated to his own band.

after an hour of comtemplating, niall decided to make the account. but thinking of a usernames was really hard. no ideas came into his head. how could thinking of a simple username be so difficult? after what fwlt like fifty hours, niall finally thought of: choncefounder.

a wave of excitement splashed over top of niall. it felt as if it was your first day at a new school. niall started to follow a bunch of accounts, none followed him back though. well, not as soon.


each day, he gained followers. it's been about, a week and niall currently one hundred, and eighty-six  followers. although, he never understood how some accounts had a hundred thousand, plus followers. absolutely insane, that. niall thought.

he screenshotted a lot of pictures from other accounts and reposted them, getting about twenty-eight likes on each. niall's captions consisted of loads of facts about himself. but once he mentioned that he was a boy  they've been commenting a lot and giving him shoutouts. which he gladly returned. 

niall also discovered that, they made fun of harry's hairline, louis is a soft baby kitten and they all think he's 4'11. instead of liam being daddy direction, it's just- daddy. but they say they miss 2012, and they describe 2015 as: hell.

which obviously, saddens niall a bit. two weeks with this fan account and he was already feeling so many emotions. this was probably how it felt to devote your life to someone for 5 years without them knowing you exist.

anyway, he randomly got added into a group dm. which was quite unusual for him, considering that he would always get a ton of messages at the same time and could never reply to any.

njhology: if yall could give a like to my recent that'd be great! thank you. Xx

niallleaveamessage: omG diD U SEE loUIS TUMMY TJOUGH YDINDY

choncefounder: Yeah , all te time

cutiepielooouis: it's so beautiful I might actually drown in my own tears and die then heavenly float to louis' belly button and live there

choncefounder: What do you think of Niall ?

theycrylwt: breadboy??

lwthespider: who is u

chonceybby: i added him!! :)

lwthespider: so what's your name???????

theycrylwt: you're a guy omg caN wE DAte

choncefounder: its Nick ..

niallleaveamessage: how old r u?

choncefounder: Just turned 19 Yesterday .

@niallleaveamessage: youRE 19??? FUCK be my daddy

theycrylwt: damn no a fence but why are ...?? like??

lwthespider: im 18 so, are you in college?

choncefounder: Yeah ucla

chonceybby: I go to USC (: we could meet up sometime

choncefounder: Ah , sick !

lwthespider: I go to WSU

niallleaveamessage: and i go to highschool:'))))))

 niall spent about a hour, answering questions. he finally grew a little bored and decided to call harry.

"harry, do ya want to come over and play FIFA or somethin'?" niall questioned, while playing with the loose thread on the hem of his shirt.

"uh, yeah, alright. why not? over in ten," he replied,  before hanging up.

once harry arrived,  niall immediately felt the urge to confess to harry about his account. "i need to tell ya somethin'," niall said, as harry took a seat on the couch, next to him.

"what is it?"

"i made a fan account, " niall said. he looked in harry's green eyes for a reaction, of some sort. nothing. harry blankly stared at him. niall's eyebrows furrowed, "a-are you going to sa-"

"it's about time, niall!" harry said loudly, making niall flinch due to the unexpected loudness in harry's voice.

"niall, we all already have fan accounts."


"liam, lou, and i. we were waiting for you to confess you had one as well, but you just recently made one so that's great! What's your username?"

"choncefounder, what 'bout you?"

"mine is: louisalilhottie, liam's is: niallcutiepatooie, lou's is: harrysucksass. which i, infact, do not approve of."

niall laughed, "i'll give you all a follow."

"right back at you, mate. how is it? discover anything worth mentioning?"

niall sighed, and sunk into the cushion of the couch. "they make fun of your hairline and call you a frog..."

harry tried to stifle a laugh, then hid his face in his face. after a while, he looked up at niall, right in the eyes, dead serious and asked, "do i really look like a frog?"

"i'd rather not say," niall said in between laughs.

"niall!" harry whined, his head falling into my lap.

"i missed you so much," niall sighed, still trying to catch his breath.

this day wasn't that unproductive at all.

it's now going to be aurora's point of view.

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