ch. 26

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niall's pov-

yes, i wish i could explain to aurora what's happening, but because we're finally touring again i guess it's "very" nessecary for publicity. so the niall horan dating the model bella hadid, gets a lot of attention. i'm really not a fan of it. she's a lovely girl, yes. but this act is insane, so utterly confusing and insane. it's something about her getting into more agencies, more quickly. they're doing this because of zayn and gigi, and i hate that i'm suddenly a part of this. i wish i didn't have to do this, i hate it so much. my heart is only set for one girl. this girl that i haven't even met, for god's sake. she makes me so happy, and that's the one thing i don't feel with any other girl i've ever been with. aurora is the most beautiful girl, and i wish i could put a face on to this beautiful name. i just wish i knew exactly how she looked, i wish i could hang out with her. i wish i could wrap her in my arms and kiss her to no end. i want to be happy with her, in person. i want to make her happy, in person. i want her, so fucking badly—

"niall? earth to niallll?" the voice droned on, interrupting my thoughts where i was completely spilling out my feelings.

i blinked back into reality, "y-yes?"

"are you okay? you kinda spaced out...?" bella asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"uh, yeah i-i'm fine."

"who were you texting just a few minutes ago?" bella asked, tapping her nails against the counter.

"just, somebody. a friend really," i shrugged.

"is it a girl— or?"

"does it matter?"

"uh, kinda?"

"i don't see why though?"

"because i'm your girlfriend now, niall."

i exhaled, almost too much. and i guess she took it as i was annoyed by her, thankfully.

"look i have to go, i have a photoshoot in an hour. call you later? hopefully by then, you won't be such a moody jerk."

"b-bella, i'm—"

"no niall, i have to go," she walked over to where i was standing and left a kiss on my cheek.

i mumbled a small bye and looked down at my shoes, hearing the front door open and shut quickly.

        "you lads better get some rest. show number three in london tomorrow." the tour manager announced, before disappearing into his hotel room. "goodnight boys," he faintly added.

choncefounder: Are you still upset ?

palebluenjh: no.

choncefounder: Are you sure ?

palebluenjh: no.

choncefounder: Aurora

palebluenjh: nick.

choncefounder: Please forgive me

palebluenjh: no thanks.

choncefounder: What can I do to make you forgive me ?

palebluenjh: i don't know.

choncefounder: Aurora please tell me

palebluenjh: eh.

choncefounder: Eh ?

palebluenjh: doesn't matter anymore.

choncefounder: What doesn't matter ?

palebluenjh: us. we can see other people, it's not like we would actually be something.

choncefounder: Why are you saying that ?

palebluenjh: because it's true?

choncefounder: Its not though .

palebluenjh: that's funny coming from you.

palebluenjh: i gtg

choncefounder: Please don't go . we need t fix this , Aurora

bella hadid is calling...

"hey," i answered.

"why didn't you call me like you said you were going to?"

"i actually don't reckon i've ever said that."

"you did, like— six hours ago when i was at your hotel."

"actually you said you'd call me—"

"—that's not the point niall!"

"o-okay, i apologise."

"i don't really care."

"how was your day? along with the photoshoot?"

"very tiring, honestly everyone was so annoying. and it was so cold in there, i had to be in the nude."

"oh alright, well i'm sorry to hear that."

"quit apologising, want to hang out?"

"not really, i don't feel like going out. wanna come over and watch some movies? i could order some room service, sound good— or?"

"no, we should go out."


"you do know that we're only doing this for publicity right? this is just a stunt we're pulling, you need the promo and so do i. we don't need to actually act like couple, we just have to go out and make sure we get papped."

"o-oh, right. you're right, so where do you want to go?"

"the nice guy."

"so i'll pick you up at eight?"

"no right now is fine, i heard some paps are already over there because rita is over there. we should be getting there quickly."

"y-yeah, i'll be there in ten."

"okay just hurry up."

choncefounder: the thing is i love ya too much and i don't want you t leave me. i don't want this t end . you make me the happiest boy on earth and if you lefted me , i'd be ruined . please for give me soon , i just need you to know i'm sorry and that i cannot stop thinking out you .

direct message ♡ njhWhere stories live. Discover now